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The sports festival is now fast approaching. I have been in Schiller Light Academy for two months and it seems I'm kinda used to the shenanigans in this place. My relationship with Drella and Mariah grew stronger as we now trust each other. I've been recently teasing and mocking Kier just to get his attention. Erik and I, since the day he came back, became friends.

I came in Schiller Light Academy with the record of being the most dangerous creature in Froia because of what the dark dragons did a long time ago. And now, I was asked to represent the school in a duel match with the dark dragon from Black Heart Academy.

Every year, the sports festival is held. It was always Schiller Light Academy versus Black Heart Academy. At the meeting, the teachers decided that there will be a duel match on the said event and the dragon from Black Heart Academy and I (for Schiller Light Academy) will be the highlight.

Everyone is pretty excited about it. They say it's going to be interesting. They all call our duel as "The Duel of the Beasts" or "The Duel of the Century."

"What are you doing here?" I heard my brother's voice from behind. I turned around and smiled at him. Marney was with him. She smiled at me. "You know it's dangerous up here. What if the demon mermaid shows up again and seek revenge? She will definitely do anything to kill you."

"Don't worry, Nathan," I said as I approached him and gave him a hug. "Nothing is going to happen to me." "She's right," Marney inserted. "Marysse is a big girl now. She can handle things on her own." She joined me and hugged my brother. My dear brother sighed and smiled at both of us. "I am totally beat up by my two lovely princesses," he said. "I love you, brother," I told him. "I love you Nathan," Marney said as she kissed him. "I love you both," he said. We laughed together and sat on the bench.

"I'm worried about the duel next month," he said. "Can you drop it out and let me replace you?" I looked at Nathan and smiled at him. "You know I can't do that," I told him. "Besides, I'm not doing this for revenge. I'm doing this for Schiller Light. I'm doing this because I'm a student here." As he was about to say something, we felt an evil aura approaching.

"Such a beautiful view isn't it?" we heard a voice echoing. A woman then suddenly appeared in front of us. It was the dark dragon. She smiled at me. "I'm sorry to interrupt such wonderful scene," she said. "It's just that, I really disgust such sight. It makes me want to puke." She laughed.

"Who are you?" Nathan asked. She devilishly smiled and crossed her arms. "My name is Juriss, Juriss Dra," she said. Nathan and Marney gasped. Dra? I thought. I think I've heard it before, but where? "What do you want from us?" I asked.

"Nothing for now," she said."Because I know sooner or later, Froia will be in our hands once again." "I will never let that happen," I said, confidently. "Oh really now?" she said, trying to mock me and smiled at me. "You're weak and I'm powerful. How are you going to keep me away from my plans if you're too weak enough to defeat me? Your people didn't even stand a chance to defend themselves against me. If only you didn't run away, you would've saved them."

I stood frozen at what she told me. My people? I thought. "I was able to meet a fire dragon named Sean before I killed him," she said.

I was horrified of what she said. Teacher Sean, I thought. She killed Teacher Sean! A tear fell from my eye. I felt blazing in anger. I went to her. We were staring at each other face to face. "Looks like someone is about to let the fire go," she said. "How dare you kill my teacher?" I asked in anger. She smiled. "I knew he was someone special to you," she said. "Blame it to yourself, princess. You could've saved him if you hadn't left."

A powerful force appeared between us. "Marysse, stop it!" I heard Nathan. But there's no stopping me now. She pulled the trigger. I just had to avenge Teacher Sean. Suddenly, I felt weak. I felt like having fever but I don't. I fainted. I felt Nathan caught me. "You know you're not allowed to be here," I heard Lady Crystal's voice. Then I passed out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Damn it, Nathan! Let me go!" Marysse exclaimed. The moment she passed out awhile ago, we took her to the dungeon and kept her there. Lady Crystal thought she might go after the dark dragon once she's awake. "Calm down, Marysse," Marney begged. "Please, calm down." Marysse tried to melt the cell but it didn't work. The dungeon cell was made for demons and bad wizards. There they can't use their powers because it was sealed. No matter how powerful you are, it still won't work.

Records were found that Teacher Sean is really dead. As our people, ones who are left told us that his body was floating on the Lake of Blood and his head was hanging on the entrance gate of Dragona as a warning for those who try to fight dark dragons.

"I want to kill her!" Marysse yelled even louder. I know how she must've felt. Teacher Sean was so dear to us. After the war, or after we escaped from our cave kingdom where our mother died, he became our second father. He helped me took care of Marysse. He educated us and taught us how to survive. Before we left Dragona, I asked him if it's alright to leave Dragona and he agreed. He knows why we left.

Marysse was struggling to get out. I can't stand looking at my sister, grieving for her teacher's death. I wanted to scream or go to Aveon to immediately kill that dark dragon, but I don't want to leave Marysse's side. "Please, let me go," she begged, crying. I approached her and hugged her. "Nathan, he's dead," she said, sobbing. "Teacher is dead. I wasn't there to save him."

The wizards wouldn't let Marysse go just yet. They said Marysse could only get out on the day of the sports festival. So her classes will be conducted on the dungeon. They wanted to make sure that Marysse will get her revenge on the duel match with that dark dragon.

I felt a heavy weight of despair as I thought of my sister in the dungeon. "Are you alright?" Marney asked as we walk through the dorm hall. "I don't know," I said. I stopped and sighed. "I'm worried about Marysse. I don't think she's ever going to be alright after all of this." I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling completely frustrated. "Everything is going to be alright, Nathan," Marney said, smiling. "Just have a little faith."

"What little faith?" I asked her. "All I need is a little miracle for Marysse. Maybe I shouldn't have brought you here. We could've helped Teacher Sean defeat the dark dragons. He could've been alive today."

"Nathan, coming here was part of the prophecy," she said. "We wouldn't have known that Marysse is going to save Froia as what Queen Draiga did when she was young." That's right. Lady Crystal, on the first day, secretly told us about the prophecy: In my vision, when I was still a light nymph, I saw a fire dragon princess defeated the dark dragons. And the only fire dragon princess alive is your sister. She will bring eternal peace to Froia. All we need is to guide her and protect her and make sure that she wouldn't be claimed by darkness as your father was a dark dragon. There is a possibility, if we misguided Marysse, she will become a dark dragon.

My father was a dark dragon, I thought. I didn't even know that. "Nathan, everything is going to be alright," Marney said once again and with that, I feel at ease. We smiled and kissed.

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"Rei, prepare yourself for next month's fest. We're winning this."

She nodded in approval. "I can't wait to get my hands on that demi-god," she said. "I'm gonna make him my husband." I smiled. "I'm sure you'll make a perfect couple," I told her.

We went to our cafeteria. All the demons gathered. "This may not be the actual battle that we've been waiting through the years," I told everyone. "but let this be the beginning! Let's show those weaklings how strong Aveon is!"

Everyone agreed. I can feel ourvictory now. I can't wait to give those weaklings severe beating. As forPrincess Marysse, I will never let her win that stupid duel. I'm going to showher how powerful dark dragons are!

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