Chapter Five

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Otterstar fell asleep just after moonhigh and curled around her kits just before she did so. She wished everything could always be as perfect as this.

Otterstar woke soon after sunrise. She poked her head out of then den and purred softly as she saw Rainfall organise the dawn patrol. The kits were playing and talking, except Lightningkit, who was sitting by Spottedpebble.  Otterstar felt her tail frizz out in panic. She looked at her own kits sleeping peacefully and jumped down to her sister. She flicked her tail and Spottedpebble padded over, leaving Lightningkit in the medicine den. "I told him." She said quietly. Otterstar sighed loudly. Her sister had always been soft with kits.

"I'm sorry! Its just he was so sad. And now he's so happy!"

"Well, you can't take it back now. Just-Just don't tell anyone else, okay?" Spottedpebble nodded

"I'm going to take him into the forest. Just a small way in. We'll be back by sunset."

"You know I can't argue with you."  Spottedpebble nodded and led her kit away.

A wail came from the leaders den and Otterstar was in there with her kits before any cat could blink. Fawnkit had managed to get a pretty large thorn in her side. "Aww, its okay little one." She whispered and gently took it out; it hadn't gone that deep. "Aren't you a brave little warrior?" Fawnkit sleepily nodded and her mother curled around her and her sleeping brother.

She closed her eyes and thought about her sister.

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