
I opened my eyes and saw Scarlett's parents rushing towards me. Her mom looked like she was about to collapse, and her dad looked impossibly crushed.

"How is she?" she asked, and I sighed, pushing away from the wall

"I don't know, they haven't told me anything" I responded, and Mrs. Knightwell cupped my cheek in affection and I tried to return the sad smile, but I couldn't. My face seemed to be frozen.

I was too worried to think about offending or pissing anybody off right now. I just needed to be with her, just know that she was going to be okay, that we hadn't lost her.

"I will go ask" Mrs. Knightwell said and disappeared down the hallway, and I leaned against the wall again, trying to keep my shit together as I stared at the double doors Scarlett disappeared through with more doctors than I could count.

"I will call your sister to bring you some clothes" Mr. Knightwell said and I forgot my white button down had been splashed with blood. I nodded quietly before Mr. Knightwell dialed Alex.

I opened and closed my fists. I felt like I needed to punch something, release the tension. The not knowing was killing me. But I knew I had to keep it together, because her parents didn't know about anything. Not Andrew, not the divorce, and definitely not about us.

The Only thing I could do was pray

If you save her, I will leave, if she wants me to. But please save her

It felt like hours passed before Mr. Knightwell came back, slipping the phone back in his pocket.

"Son, you look like you've seen a ghost" he said and I tried to lick my dry lips.

"You could say that, yes" I mumbled and looked at him in the eye. He was studying me

"We're you there when this happened?" he asked, leaning against the wall next to me. I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything else.

"Where were you two?" he asked and I don't know if it was his tone or the way he said it, but I looked at him in the eye for one second before casting my eyes low.

"We, uh, met up for lunch" I said simply and tried to look away. Mr. Knightwell 'hmm'ed me and I clenched my jaw. This man knew something was up

"Why did she jump in front of the oncoming traffic, Nathaniel?" he asked me quietly and I swallowed the thick lump in my throat. Remembering what had happened only caused intense pain within me, and I didn't know what I would do if I lose her.

I would never forgive myself.

"Because of me" I managed to get out but in that instant the doors opened and a doctor came out. His eyes met mine

Scarlett's doctor

I pushed from the wall so quick, Mr. Knightwell didn't realize I was gone

"How is she?" I asked quickly before the doctor stopped and Scarlett's parents met us half way.

"She's critical condition right now. She had three bruised ribs and two broken ones, one of them punctured her lung, and her left femur was shattered into multiple pieces. Extensive lacerations from glass and she received a strong impact to the head, so we have to get an MRI from the head, make sure there are no bleeds" he was saying with crossed arms

"When can we see her?" Mrs. Knightwell asked, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Due to the extent of her injuries we had to put her in a medically induced coma. She's very fragile right now. She is intubated and on a ventilator, but should be ready for visitors in an hour or so" he said, nodding to Scarlett's parents who seemed to deflate for a second.

The Lover (18+) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now