Chapter XVII

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What did he mean by that? How did he know? When?

So many questions running through my head and I had to keep a neutral face as Andrew was sitting very close to me, sipping his drink.

"Where are going?" I asked in a murmur. Andrew cleared his throat

"Home. I'm tired, and I'm done with tonight. You and I have to talk" he said, his eyes zeroed on mine. I tried to swallow but I had a thick lump in my throat that didn't let me breathe. We rode the rest of the way in silence, but I felt Andrew's stare. The seconds turned into minutes, and before I realized what was happening, we were stopping in front of the house. I tried to get out of the car, but Andrew wrapped his sticky hands around my wrist and my eyes flew to his.

"Move" he groaned and pulled me violently out of the car, and I lost my shoes right there.

"Andrew, stop" I said but my voice trembled as he shook my body with his fit.

"Walk" he said but dragged me towards the front door. I tried to walk faster to keep up with him but he was shoving me and I kept losing my footing. Once we crossed the entrance, he gave a push and I stumbled inside as I heard the loud echo from the door being slammed shut. I faced Andrew quickly. He was taking his tie off, his eyes on mine.

"I want you to tell what that picture was about" Andrew started. I swallowed slightly, trying to look confident.

"It was a favor. We were helping Alex, she said she needed someone-" I was babbling

"I know it was for Alex. I just want to understand why you thought this would settle with me" he sneered. I straightened my back.

"I was just helping Alex-"

"And you made me look stupid in front of everybody!" he shouted, cutting me off. His face was red and the hand holding the glass of whiskey tightened.

"Why are you yelling at me?" I asked in a murmur, trying to stay calm.

"I can only imagine how you two were rubbing against each other as if it was the most common thing. Not only in front of strangers at the studio, but also take pictures" he said, pointing a finger at me. He was breathing hard and he had the most deceiving expression on his face. I

"Andrew, it was just a photoshoot"

"Was it?" he asked, tilting his head a bit. I swallowed my fear.

"Don't turn this into something"

Andrew chuckled humorlessly, and looked down at the floor for a moment.

"Tell me the truth, Scarlett" he said, his eyes going up to mine. At that moment I debated if I should just come clean, telling him everything. Nate said he knew but he hadn't said anything yet, but kept asking questions. This was not normal. He would've blown up by now.

"There's nothing to tell, Andr-"

Andrew swung the glass at my feet and a cry escaped my lips as it exploded in a million glass pieces flying everywhere. Jumping back and trying to avoid glass proved to be harder than expected as I was stepping on the sharp pieces.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" he shouted and I stepped back quickly. My eyes flew to his red ones and his hands were shaking from anger.

"Calm down" I said as calmly as I could, my voice trembling.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down" he said slowly, stepping in my direction.

"Do you want me to make a public announcement? I'll do it, ill do a public apology-"

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