Chapter III

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I left the office quickly, my shame pretty obvious on my face, as I dialed

"Well, finally. I was starting to think you really did get mad at me" Alex's cheerful voice said. I rolled my eyes and stopped at the front of the building, trying to tune out the loud noise of the cars coming back and forth in the busy New York street.

"I am mad at you about it. But right now I wanna know why your brother is being such a dickhead to me" I said harshly. Alex whistled on the other line

"Well, what a vocabulary, Scar" Alex laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious. Whats up with him not wanting to see me? What did I do to him?" I asked more calmly. Alex sighed slightly and stayed in silence.

"Alex" I said again.

"I don't know okay! You should ask him, not me" she grumbled. I frowned

"I just did! He just kicked me out of his office! And why do you say it like that? Like there is something I should be asking him?" I asked hurriedly. Alex didn't answer.

"I love you, Scar, but it's not my place to be telling you his business. Please, don't push it" Alex said in a low tone and that only made me queasy.

"What are you-"

"Scar! Please..." Alex said completely shutting me up.

"Fine if you wont tell me, then whatever" I said, completely frustrated.

"You wanna go out to brunch? I'm starving" Alex said, I'm guessing trying to lighten the mood. At the mention of food, my stomach made a noise as if it had heard her. I rolled my eyes again



"God, I missed butter" Alex moaned as she covered her toast in a thick layer of the salty cream. I scrunched my nose but minded my own business.

"I have to talk to Nate" I said and Alex groaned.

"Can we have one nice meal without you bringing my stupid, idiotic, single ass brother?" she said and I raised my eyebrows at her choice of words, and looked down, nibbling my own toast, ashamed she had pointed out I wouldn't shut up about Nate.

"I'm sorry, I'm just..." I sighed.

"I know. You miss him" Alex said and I didn't respond. I pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I guess you could say that" I said and Alex gave me a pointed look.

"Right" she said with a secret smile that I frowned at.

"Mind your own business" I told her. Alex gave a laugh

"Oh trust me, im trying but you wont let me!" she said and popped a strawberry in her mouth. Jerk.

"Touché" I simply said.

"Anyways, Mom wants you and Andrew to come over for a family dinner tonight" she said and my eyes went wide a tiny bit.

", Alex, I can't sit through another awkward dinner, especially with Andrew there" I said and put her hands together as if she was praying.

"Pleaseee, please. I promise to save you from awkward situations" she begged and I rolled my eyes.

"Every time you say that youre the one that puts me in awkward situations" I said, crossing my arms. This was Alex, she was the most loving and cheerful person I know, but goddammit she had a gift to make situations worse than they should.

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