Chapter VI

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When I woke up the next day I was literally groaning and hoping they had left for The Hamptons without me. No such luck.

Andrews had come knocking at my door, asking if I was ready as we had to leave in twenty minutes.

"I just woke up!" I groaned before slapping a pillow to my face. What the hell was I going to do now? I think I offended Nate, and now Andrew was acting extremely nice. Most would say 'isn't that a good thing'? but no, no it isn't because every time Andrew acts like this it's because he wants something.

"Well, hurry up, the driver is waiting, and so are the Hatfords. We should be there by noon" he said before I heard his steps walking down the hall. I rolled my eyes and forced myself to get out of bed. Thirty minutes later I was showered, and dressed in my regular white bikini, threw an olive green off-shoulder shirt on, and white shorts, and rushing out the door with my two luggage bags.

Andrew gave me a once over that I decided to ignore. I never wore shorts, and he knew this.

"Just ignore it" I murmured as I passed him, dragging the two bags.

"I just want to know why you have two bags when it's only one weekend?" he asked slowly. I frowned.

"Why are you making it sound like that's a problem. It's not like you're carrying them now, are you?" I murmured and walked towards the door. Andrews cleared his throat and dragged his own luggage bag, giving it to the driver.

"Hey, come here" I heard him say and I sighed, my eyes rolling up to the sky. I felt Andrew wrap his hand around my waist and goosebumps covered my skin instantly, and not in a good way.

"Let's have a nice weekend, okay? No arguments. Try to keep it down a bit?" he asked sweetly and slowly, yet his words clearly said 'don't embarrass me'. I clenched my jaw and nodded once before climbing inside the car. I received a text from Alex that said: 'Your ass better be on your way down here! It's beautiful!'. I rolled my eyes but smiled as I replied with a 'Have my mojito ready, I'm going to need it'.

Thirty minutes later, we finally arrived at their house in The Hamptons.

The most majestic, modern, three story house design I have ever seen. Just by looking at the front entrance, I knew whatever the house hid inside was going to be much better. The driver pulled up to the front door, the walls made of glass, and multiple water plants floating from the ceiling, and opened the door for us. Andrew got out and, as if he did this all the time, grabbed my hand and helped me out of the vehicle. I didn't miss the slick attempt he made to take a quick look at my hand to make sure I was wearing my ring.

"Hello, hello, my darling! I am so very happy you're both here!" I heard Mrs. Hatford say and I turned around to properly hug her. Mr. Hatford was right behind her and then switched with his wife to give me a proper hug.

"Of course. This is tradition, right?" I said somehow with a pained expression and Andrew tilted his head a bit at me. I decided to ignore him.

"And Andrew, you never cease to amaze me!" she said, giving him a quick hug. Good one there, Mrs Hatford.

"Come, come. Only Nate and your parents are missing. They called and said they would be a tad bit late, seems like the office kept both your father and Nathaniel" Mr. Hatford said.

No surprise there. He's most likely milking his arrival.

"Seems like Nathaniel has taken his role very seriously since he got back" Andrew said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Though my family's business had been tied to Andrew's, making It one, my family did business with the Hatford's. So I guess that's where the competitive air was coming from.

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