Chapter II

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I let him go.

Not because I wanted, but because Andrew was keeping me from following Nate.

"What's his problem, Scar?" he asked and I stopped myself from groaning.

"I do not know" I said instead. Andrew raised an eyebrow and then disappeared. Are you freaking kidding me? He just came here to piss Nate off and then just left.


I set the wine glass down and hurried after Nate, hoping to catch him before he left. I apologized every time I bumped into someone, and despite my efforts, I could not find him. I rushed to the front entrance, but he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed for a quick second before straightening up and pressing my hands against my skirt, hoping I didn't look as flustered as I felt

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Alex's voice and I turned around, giving her an accusatory look.

"How could you not tell me your brother was back?" I asked, frowning deeply. Alex looked uncomfortable, her eyes casted down.

"Um...I'm sorry, I just didn't know how you'd take it" she murmured. I crossed my arms and shook my head slowly.

"I bet you didn't think of how I would feel if you didn't tell me though?" I asked quietly. Alex looked impossibly uncomfortable. Good then.

Nate's British accent-filled word still echoed in my head

'I am back. I think I've been away for far too long'

Yes Nate...unfortunately you have.

"I'm sorry, they told me not to-" she stopped herself and my eyes widened.

"They told you what? Who told you-" my words were cut off by Andrew's voice

"Scarlett, I think it's best if we leave now. I'm not feeling too well" he said and I allowed my eyes to look at him up and down, long enough to realize he was nothing more than drunk.

I turned my eyes back to Alex

"Where can I find him tomorrow?" I asked quietly and out of Andrew's earshot. Alex cleared her throat but when I gave her a hard look she sighed.

"I think he has to go to the office tomorrow" she mumbled like a little girl that was not supposed to tell a secret and I nodded once, turning to Andrew and motioning him to come.

"I'll call you" I told Alex before leaving, following my drunken husband out of the house.


"That's him, isn't he?" Andrew asked me as we were walking inside our house. I kept my face straight

"Who?" I asked innocently. Andrew turned his head slightly to give me a knowing look, then continued to the beverage table, where he poured himself a glass of whiskey.

Oh hell

"Your friend from when you were like a kid or something" he said dismissively. I swallowed and took my strappy heels off at the same time I scratched my hair slightly in an attempt to release tension and awkwardness.

"Yes, that's Nate" I said, walking past him.

His hand on my arm stopped me.

I turned my face to him and my eyes met his, anger quickly taking over.

"Let. Me. Go" I breathed the words out. Andrew took a sip of his whiskey before he said anything else

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you" he said. I frowned deeply.

The Lover (18+) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now