Letter #2

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Dear Justin,

Working in the windmills is so exhausting!! I'd rather be over there with you!! I barely get any time to skate!! ANY TIME!! TO SKATE!!! I think I'm dying!! So much pain! Other than not being able to skate a lot, it is actually quite fun. The people here are extremely funny and this one guy has been really nice since I came. He showed me around and helped me through the place for a while. (No I don't like him in ANY way possible. Just friends. Don't get any thoughts. I'm yours and yours only)

Making wind for energy for these people takes so much energy out of ME! But the people appreciate it and I'm glad I can help. They seem really poor and it's the least I could. I don't recall mind either, but it's just some nights I have trouble sleeping and then getting up to make more wind? VERY exhausting!

I can't believe it has already been 3 months though!! 3 months down and 9 more to go!! But it's not like anyone is counting ;)

I miss you soo much and I can't wait to see you again!! How are you over there? Better off without me huh? ;) Have you been skating because I'd be so jealous if you are like 24/7 -.- They do everything old school over here. Nothing new. Strange but very cool. Of course we didn't have much technology and new things either but Crystal came over for a visit one day and was telling me about all this new technology and new stuff yall were getting. Unfair. But I'll be back soon so...yay!! ^.^

Anyway love you and hope you're having a great time over there!! I don't think I'll be able to write to you again be for your birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND LOVE YOU!!!


      Katie <3

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