Who's Here?

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I zoomed around outside. The guys had lots of work to do today. Which was basically cleaning our mess in the training room.

It has been two weeks since Brett had to train us when Crystal had had too much of us. All he really did was watch us. We were good when we weren't pressured or had to do a specific thing. Even he muttered it to himself, but I overheard.

Crystal seems a little out of it lately though. She seems so tired, like she has been staying up very late or not getting sleep at all. What if she has been crying?? I haven't seen Alex around lately too. Maybe something else happened...

I continued skating around. I went around some old abandoned houses, past the stables where Lilac was attending to the animals, across the bridge of the river where Claire was practicing, and into the field where Flair and Jake were... JAKE?!

"Whoa! What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be working?!"

"Oh hey Katie. I got done with all my work so I came to help Flair. We always used to do this."

He threw a frizzbee up into the air and Flair hit it perfectly. It came down in flames and burned out by the water they had poured around making mud puddles everywhere. I watched them for a while laughing and talking and practicing. I got bored and was back off on my skateboard. I went pass the bridge again and Brett was with Claire helping with her too, I guess. I flew by the stables and caught a glimpse of John and Lilac kissing. Looks like everyone was done with their work. Except Justin...

I zoomed on by the town once more when I saw a person. Not many people were out right now and I did not recognize the person. I slowed down and took a closer. I peeped around the corner of the building and there were many more people. They were coming off a boat talking. I could barely make out what they said.

"It's so beautiful here!"


More and more shuffled out. There were at least 50 by the time the all got out. They all talked about the town and how beautiful it was. This town was beautiful. The green vines growing on the brick walls. The flower pots at the doorway and on window sills. The pinkish yellowish wall coloring. The brick paths throughout the town and the waterfall. The carts set along the edge of the paths filled with fruit. Mainly old people lived here but the people who came weren't all old. There were salesmen, families, women, teenagers. Many people from around the world. Then the was Alex. He had a bright smile on his face.

"Ok everyone. There are many houses here that are open and very lovely. Come with me and you will see this-"

He lead them along the main path. I hid behind the building until all of them were past. I decided to creep along with them and listen in on their tour of our town.


"Ha! Got another!! You have to do my chores next week!!"

"Aw man!! I think we should get going. It's getting late"

"You're right"

I pick up the frizzbee's and Jake grabbed the pail and we walked along back to the castle. He hummed a little tune in his head. I recognized it, but I couldn't quite figure out the name. Claire and Brett were already gone from the river. We kept on walking. I had a feeling I was getting better at controlling my heat. Every time I got angry I counted to 10. It worked sometimes. Sometimes I took a deep breath. It really depended on what it was and how angry it made me. Crystal had gotten a thing to help me with it. I sat in a chair and watched movies. It recorded my thoughts and temperature. Then it would play a scene of me and a problem I was bound to get in. It really helped me control myself.

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