Responsibility Of Gang‼️

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We sat in silence the whole ride. When we finally reached the school and I tried to get out the car, he child locked my ass.

"So you not gonna unlock the door?" I asked.

"So you not gonna talk to me?" He asked back.

"I don't have shit to say to you." I said.

"Ok but I do so listen. You can't ignore me forever ma we got a connection that's real as hell and I don't wanna mess it up between us over some bitc- I mean girl. You like my best friend mama and I don't want to stop hanging with you so stop being mad at me." He said.

Best friend

It's obvious that it's all we can be I guess. But I can't deny it I would love to be more than just "Best Friends" with him.

I guess I took too long to respond to him cause then he got out the car. I got out and followed behind him.

"Wait Daquan." I said.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Ion know about all this best friend nonsense you talking about...and I don't even think I wanna be friends with you. But I guess I can acknowledge your appearance when you're around." I said crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

He smiled really hard and walked over to be giving me a big ass hug.

"Get off of me." I mumbled in his chest. " I'm still mad at you.

"Nah." He said squeezing me hard and laughing.

I tried not to but then I started to laugh with him.


As soon as I herd that voice I automatically rolled my eyes.

Dae Dae let out a sigh and departed from the hug.

"Who the fuck is calling me by my government?" He asked as if he didn't know.

"Sorry it slipped." Candace said walking over here smiling.

When she saw me she glared at me for a second before snapping her attention back to Daquan.

"Dae Dae I thought you were gonna pick me up this morning?" She asked.

"When did I say that?" He asked.

I snickered.

"Just forget it now. Can you come walk me to my class?" She asked.

"Actually I had planned on taking JoJo to her-"

"It's okay Dae Dae I know my way." I said walking inside the school and leaving them two behind.

It's clear Dae Dae got himself in a bad situation and it looks like he doesn't want to be in it but he is.

He did say things were complicated. I wonder how?

For the rest of the day since I had classes with Dae Dae I had no choice but to talk to him cause he wouldn't stop bothering me.

I wouldn't say much but just enough so he would stop bugging me. At lunch he sat with me but his little girlfriend came and dragged him away from me.

I ain't care for them and their antics.

Candace is trying way to hard if you ask me.

End Of School
I really didn't have anything planned after school so it was straight home for me.

Not that I had mind.

I was putting my stuff in the locker when I remembered I left my phone in my last class.

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