Chapter 20

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Hiya guys I just wanted to thank all of you guys that are reading you make my day!!! Without further ado the next Chapter...

Chapter 20


I froze. Not that I wasn’t frozen before. Oh my god what have I gotten myself into. I could’ve been with Kai safe. Careless. Did I say safe? I did my final prayer. I was about to have a heart attack.

It only daunt to my after a few seconds of having a silent panic attack. That-

“What!” The guy whispered harshly.

That the phone wasn’t mine?  

That seemed to calm me. My finger somehow found the record button on the camera and I was filming. So I focused on that and what the guy was saying.

“Where the fuck do you think I am!?!” he whispered. I swear if whispers could kill. Well the man on the opposite line would be long gone. “Yes, Phoenix’s girl,” I stiffened at that. “I swear if you call me again I’ll I’ll-“ 

It was obvious the person on the other line was talking about me and my dad- I mean come on how many Phoenixes are there? - said, you’ll what. “I’ll ditch this whole shit. I almost had her you know. I’VE FREAKEN LOST HER!!!” He whispered shouted. So he was looking for me. “Where are you?” He grunted. “When you coming back?” My legs were getting tired. “WHAT! A WEEK. Are you serious both you and Roger hey?” Wait did he say my dad wasn’t here for a week. Finally. 

“Whatever.” The man hung up and continued on. I felt a bit confused. I think I felt afraid. That was so close. I don’t get it what would’ve happened if he found me? I shuddered. I really don’t want to know. I eased down the tree. Heading home. Like fast. Really fast. I was in the streets. My phone vibrated. I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t know if I was even thinking, when I answered the phone. “Yellow?” “Gabriella. What the hell. Why’d you leave? You were like dying a few days ago. Actually two days ago. I called like four times now. Are you okay? Where are you?” 

“I’m okay. Kai. I really don’t want to talk now. I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Bye.” I need time to think. I breathed out. I was still running. I looked behind me to make sure no one was there. “Gabby why are you breathing hard? Are you running? Gabriella-“

“Kai, I’m fine, I’ll talk to you in a bit okay. I got to go.” I reached my house and there was still no one behind me. I hung up before he could say anything. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I almost called Kai back to tell him to come and get me. But I need to do this. I unlocked the door. Every noise sounded louder than usual. 

I entered the house. I looked around. Let me complete the five senses check-up. So far I couldn’t hear anything. Nor see anything out of the ordinary. Nor smell something. “Hello?” I made sure quietly. I heard movements upstairs. I stiffened. I slowly pulled out my pocket knife. A weapon is better than nothing, even if you don’t know how to use it. To make things worse it was all dark. I heard slow and light footsteps. Then a silhouette of a figure appeared out of nowhere at the top of the stairs.   

  “Who’s there?” A harsh, but feminine voice asked. Mum.

Then the lights clicked on. I had to shield my eyes a bit from how bright it became. I came face to face with my mum’s cold eyes. I put away the knife before she saw it. “Gabriella… What are you doing here? Get out.” 

“Mum, you don’t have to do this; you could’ve stopped all this years ago. But you never did.” Now that I started I couldn’t stop. “Luke left because of him. He’s been abusing me for years but you never stopped him. Why? I don’t get it sometimes. Did I do something to you that I don’t remember? I don’t get it!” She looked at me with wide eyes her eyes softened for a split second but turned icier. 

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