Chapter 6 thoughts & mistakes

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When I finally got done hearing about this I felt so concerned about Sarah's safety I just had to tell her, but I couldn't he would kill me and make me his next meal. "Ohh Sarah" is all I could say to myself as I thought "what to do I can't exactly call someone to come kill a vampire no one believes in this stuff anymore! "what can I ask to do!?" "Nothing" I sighed I can do absolutely nothing. "You might have wanted to wait until I left before you said that."

I turned around realizing he was still

There and shouted "I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING!" then remembered he could tell what I was thinking. "It's not nice to scare someone like that that and read there mind either" "Well I'm sorry I didn't mean to and I can only read your mind so I can't help it" Y!?" I asked "I'm connected to you "that's not creepy at all" he then jumped outta my window and ran so fast in the moonlight while shouting "sleep tight beautiful" my thoughts and heart was racing he makes me so happy and my life a adventure" I said. I can't take this anymore I need to get away" ik wat I will do I will take Sarah with me to the beach!" where Silus can't reach us!"

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