Chapter 5 truth comes out

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It was Saturday my phone woke me up I rolled over and glanced at the clock half asleep and half awake it was 3AM!!! I thought "WHO THE HELL IS TEXTING ME" I should have known who it was..... no other than Silus himself. "UGHHHH" I thought to myself grabbing my cell phone and reading the text it said "I'm sorry how I've been acting it's just your so and I.... I don't know how to tell you my secrete because you want believe me..." He's probably right I wouldn't but I still texted back "Try Me" he then slowly texted back " a vampire........." I dropped my phone saying to myself all of it makes since now well almost all of it. when I went to grab my phone something grabbed my side I jumped back and fell outta bed. it was Silus he said "are you okay?" holding his hand out "I'm perfectly fine thank you" ignoring his out stretched hand I kasked why are you in my house he said "you took to long to answer and had me worried" "and that gives you the right to be in my house" I said more rudely then I should've . he turned away sad "I didn't mean to snap like that...(I said loving) you just scared me that's all." he then asked a little bit concerned sounding "do you believe me?" I said "I don't know(shaking knowing a blood sucking vampire was in my locked bed room with me) convenes me and we will see" I said with a wink.

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