Chapter 3 not knowing

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When we finally got to sit down and eat our breakfast Silus looked up at me and said "you know it's not nice to talk about someone you just met" I looked at Sarah and said back "what are you talking about" "ohh don't be dumb I heard you!" Sarah said "she hasn't talked about you" that's when it hit me I WAS THINKING ABOUT HIM!!! I looked up with a shocked looked on my face and yelled "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING!" he then realized what just happened and said "excuse me I gotta go" me and Sarah looked confused and puzzled at each other and shrugged and walked to our classes.

After all that was over here came 1st bell apparently Silus joined my class and the teacher made me sit with him. he kept looking over at me and he was shaking I was about to say hi when he jumped up and walked outta the room! I stayed there stunned not knowing what to do or worst what just happened! later that day I was leaving to go home and when I was walking to get to my bus someone grabbed my shoulder I jerked my shoulder loose and turned around so fast I almost fell. it was Silus! he asked me for my number me standing there scared and shaking I gave him my own personal cell phone number! (idiot move Scarlet I said to my self Great job!) he then turned and started to walk away and shouted "thanks bye see you tomorrow!" he said with a very clean and cute smile. I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say! later when I was finally home I was thankful it was Friday, but I had a uneasy feeling again like something was with me like actually right beside me! I went outside to feed my two cats and my dog I looked towards my woods I swear I thought I saw.....Silus! no it couldn't be I said to myself CLULD IT THOUGH (second guessing myself he is so creepy he might just would

follow me home!)

Just then my cell phone ringed I looked down and it said "Heyy, it's Silus I need to tell you something it's kinda important ....... meet me today at the dock 5:00pm Sharp! DONT BE LATE"

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