chapter eleven

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( disclaimer: this chapter includes very emotionally disturbing scenes. if you are sensitive to this type of content i recommend not reading this. )
- continued

I don't know where I was going. Actually, I knew exactly where I was going. The park. It was already almost midnight, the chances anyone would be there were zero to nothing. Once I caught my breath, I stared into the mysterious, foggy lake. There I was, throwing pebbles from the top of the bridge. That was when I couldn't take it anymore. I toss my head up towards the sky. "Caleb, I know you're up there. Please, give me a sign. Anything. Just tell me it's going to okay."

No answer.

Tears continued to fall down my face. There was no hope. I lost everyone. All because I was afraid.


I wanted to ignore the voice, but I knew exactly who it was. Hayden.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

I'm sick of living my life in fear. It was time to tell Hayden the truth.

"It all started when—"

Five minutes later, I finished the whole explanation. Right when Hayden was about to open his mouth, he was interrupted by a loud, dark voice.

"You weren't supposed to tell anyone." the voice boomed.

"I-I'm sorry!" I gulped.

"You will pay!" the voice screamed back, pulling out a gun.

They aimed right towards me, but somehow when the piercing sound of the gunshot was over, I was still okay. But what below me wasn't.

"Hayden! No!" I knelt down, sobbing.

"How could you—" I began to "Your Worst Nightmare" but they were already gone.

"I love you Hayden Taylor Summerall. WAKE UP! I LOVE YOU!" I cried.


"Annie, Annie, Annie! Are you okay?"

"Hayden! You're alive!"

Wait? What just happened? That trip to the park — it felt so real. And it was all a dream?

"Of course I am! Are you? You were screaming like crazy — I know we aren't friends anymore but I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Where's your family?" Hayden said, worried.

"My mom is on a business trip and my dad and Hayley are in Texas for a dance competition. I'm sorry, you don't have to be here." I sighed.

"No, I want to be here." Hayden replied, placing his hand on top of mine.

Oh how I missed moments like these.

Thinking, I know Hayden deserves to know despite the risk.

Here goes nothing.

"Hayden, I need to explain. I need to explain everything."

His hazel eyes suddenly locked with my cocoa colored ones as a chill went down my back.

"About a month ago, an anonymous number texted me. They forced me to do a ton of things. I never wanted to join the dance team or become friends with Kenzie, but they made me. Thank God they made me become friends with Kenzie because she's amazing. They also made me try harder in dodgeball, and somehow that made me more confident. Plus, they made me mess up at the dance recital. As mortifying as it was, it taught me who was real and who was fake about the whole situation. But then they told me to drop all my friends. And that's when I lost it. Now I know what it feels like to be empty. Lonely. I was afraid you would never talk to me again. But they told me that if I said anything about the texts then there would be consequences. Life-threatening consequences."

"I'm so sorry Annie. You should've never had to go through any of this. I just wish I had known sooner."


"Because I know who this mystery person is."

[ A.N. ]

sorry for the super short chapter! but cliffhanger oops

who do you think "your worst nightmare" is?

[ 632 words ]

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