Chapter Twenty Two : Sera Comes Clean

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"Did you just say what I think you said?" She blinks.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I brought all this on you, but," he breathes, "I can only be so sorry because it brought me here... it brought me to you."

"Jack..." Sera whispers, before collapsing to her knees in front of him. He mirrors her, dropping to his knees as well. "There is something I need to tell you as well."

He places his hands on her face bringing her eyes up to meet his, "What do you mean?"

"I don't really know how to tell you this, but you didn't bring this all upon me." She continues to tell him about Nate and the accident and something to the effect of her being half Angel and how she seems to attract evil now. When she finishes, his hands have dropped from her face, and he is sitting a little farther back than before.

"Sera, what is Nate to you?" his eyes full of pain as he expects her answer.

"I..." She blinks. "Um, I don't exactly know."

"But, it's serious?"

"His-blood-runs-in-my-veins, serious."

Jack leaps to his feet like she had just scalded him with hot water. Resting his lean frame against the glass bookshelves, he folds his arms in front of him.

"Jack..." her voice trails off slightly. What could she possibly say? The hurt in his eyes is more than she can bear. "I had no idea you felt so strongly. I didn't plan for any of this to happen. I never wanted you to be in the middle of this."

Her eyes begin to fill with tears as the words slip from her mouth. He caves, coming back to kneel in front of her. "It's not your fault." He reaches his hands out helping her to her feet once again, "Actually, it sort of all makes sense now."

"What do you mean?" she asks keeping her eyes on their clasped hands.

He chuckles a little as he explains, "Well, now I know why the spiritual world is all worked up about you. I know why I find you so irresistible."

Sera coughs uncomfortably, "And why exactly is that?"

"Because you're half human, half Angel. You are a beautifully, powerful anomaly."

"What makes that special?"

"You are the only one of your kind."


He continues, "You can make your own rules, you are human you can walk the Earth and communicate with other humans. You are your own race."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" his gaze makes her shift in the chair uneasily.

"I was right, Sera, there is something about you," he laughs. "I've been reading up on what I thought was mythology lately."

"Cut to the point."

"Well, Angels don't bleed. Angels don't hunger, want, thirst, or do anything besides the work of God. The fact that Nate felt the way he did about you, the fact that when he cut himself, he actually bled, goes against everything I've ever read about Angels."

"So, what does this mean?" her head is shaking from side to side now.

"It means you, Sera, are a once in a lifetime anomaly. Someone up there," he points to the ceiling, "really went through a lot of trouble to make you who you are today."

Without a word, Sera plops down on the leather couch. Jack again finds his way next to her.

"I don't know what to say..." She whispers trying to put all the pieces of this puzzle together.

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