I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence

And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit

I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate
They fill with fire, exhale desire
I know it's dire my time today

I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence

Neighbor: b0i! Ur fabulous!

Other Neighbor: Thx bru!

My neighbor is so cool.


"Dean, we have nothing! Nothing to go on, no leads." Sam tries to talk some sense into Dean.

"Well what have we got so far?" Dean argues and Sam sighs.

"She looks like Alex, it's a ghost, and that's pretty much it." Sam explains and Dean goes to retaliate when three sharp pounding sounds grabs at their attention.

"We will finish this later." Dean states with a pointed finger and hops up to get the door, he pulls it open to reveal Sera. Looking quite distressed might I add. She pushes her way past Dean and sits straight on the old yellow and orange sheets of the motel bed.

"Sera?" Sam asks questioningly, turning in his seat to get a better look at the girl. Dean walks over to her and crouches in front of her.


"He lied to me." Her voice quivers as she spoke, Sera picks her head up which gives Dean a good look of her pale skin, tear stained cheeks, and red puffy eyes.

"Who lied to you Sera?" Dean softly asks and a sob comes out of the poor girl as she drops her head into her hands.

"My father!" She cries and the brothers don't say anything.

"He said he would stop hunting! He promised us he put that life behind him! H-He said I could have a normal life!" She sobs harder, Dean puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Dean tries to sooth the crying child but it doesn't work.

"No! He was put in a coma for a week after his last hunt was for a kitsune!" She cries again, Dean gives Sam a small glance before sighing. 'Letting the cat out of the bag on this'  was Dean's thoughts.

"Our dad was a hunter as well."

"R-really?" She sniffles.

"Oh yeah, before Sammy left for Stanford, when we were really young, he would just leave us in a motel for weeks. Sometimes with little money." He states truthfully earning a confused glance from Sam and an understanding one from Sera.

"A-and sometimes you would go hungry because you had another mouth to feed?" Sera asks softly, Dean switches spots and sits on the bed next to Sera.

"Yeah. Sometimes you go hungry. They wouldn't let you call them mom or dad, instead you had to call them Ma'am or Sir. Right?" Dean relates and Sera slightly laughs.

"My sister would say things like, 'Goodnight mommy' or 'Goodnight daddy' and whenever I said that, they would say 'Don't call me that you're too old.'" 

"And you would have to reply with 'Yes Sir.'. And though's times when you sibling asks where mom or dad was you had to lie and say they were coming back soon, but then they would be gone longer huh?" Dean continues and Sera nods.

"It sucks. I would always be the one that they made an example of, 'Kelly, see how Sera is lowering her elbow before she throws the knife? Don't do that, it will give the creature more time to tackle you.'"

"'Dean, I told you to raise the shotgun to eye level before shooting!'"

"'Sera! You're stance is all wrong!'"

"'You haven't been practicing Dean!'"

"'Look sharp Sera, you're holding down the fort for now!'"

"'What have I said Dean? Where you not listening?'"

"And the big one-" Sera starts and Dean says it with her.

"'Shoot first ask questions later.'" They both repeat.

"Don't forget the all popular-" Dean states and Sera repeats with him.

"'Look after your brother/sister no matter what.'" They both fell into a small fit of chuckles as Sam looks at his brother in shock. 'Did dad really do though's things to Dean?' 


Alex downs her third whiskey shot before turning the glass over and adding to her small glass row. She raises her arm which flags down Ash, the bartender, who walks over.

"'Nother?" He asks with his thick Southern accent and she sighs, nodding.

"It's been a rough day." She sighs out and Ash nods with understanding before placing a whiskey bottle in front of her. It was her favorite brand of whiskey as well. The bottle was old and said in fancy font 'Winchester', it was a strong brew that smelled oddly sweet and had a slight bitter taste to the light brown liquid.

"Don't get to drunk now." Ash tells the teacher before going to help other people. Alex pores a shot and downs it.

"Wasn't expecting you here." A voice says and she looks to her left slightly to see Sam sitting down on the stool next to her.

"Wasn't expecting you either." She snaps back and he chuckles slightly.

"Well after what you saw today, I thought you would be here." Sam snarks back and she glares at him.

"Well why are you here?" She sneers and instantly regrets it as soon as she see his face darken, she didn't like it when his beautiful eyes got darker.

"Dean told me stories about when we used to go on the road with our dad, it made me realize how horrible he was." He blandly informs her and she looks at her three glasses.

"Hey." She catches his attention and Sam looks up to see Alex pushing a shot glass towards him. He smiles slightly.


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