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Why is high school so dramatic? It's like everyone always makes a big deal out of everything. That's why I made it my mission to avoid everyone and everything. To just stay out of peoples way and when graduation comes, move away so I never have to see anyone ever again. But it isn't always that simple. Especially for me, Autumn Emerson whos life got turned upside down all because of a group of guys who don't particularly like each other. 

                                                                               ~ <3 ~ 

"Autumn if you don't get out of bed, I'm coming up there and dragging your fatass out!" Meet my mom, Zandra Emerson. She's a single parent and the coolest mother out there. Okay, so maybe not the coolest but, she's been there for me through everything and trust me when I tell you we've been through a lot. It's been just her and I for a long time now and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

"I'm up mom," I respond and sigh. Why does school have to start in the morning? It's 2018, can't school be online? Save everyone the struggle of having to get up in the morning. I roll off the side of my bed and begin to sit up but fail miserably. 

"Rolling off your bed doesn't classify itself as being awake." I sense my mom rolls her eyes and I laugh. I slowly begin to stand up from my once comfortable position and turn to face my mother standing in the door frame. 

"Mom, don't you have work or something?" I rub the sleep out of my eyes and stretch. I hear her goofy laugh and can't help but smile. You know those people whos laugh are just the absolute best? That's my mother. She can make anyone smile with just her laugh.

I shoo her out of my room and walk towards the bathroom. I squint at my reflection and frown. Damn am I ugly. I quickly reach for my hairbrush and attempt to brush through the mop on my head. After about 10 minutes of struggling, I finally have my normal, wavy brown hair, tied up in a messy pony-tail. I toss in some contacts and check the time. Great. 9 minutes to change, eat breakfast, and gather my homework. I throw on jeans and a boring graphic tee and head towards the kitchen. I grab an apple and leave my small friendly home. 

                                                                  ~ <3 ~ 

After a boring 15 minute walk to school, I finally arrive at hell. 

"Autumn!" A high pitch voice squeaks. Meet my best friend, Nicole Eden Mitchel. Nicole is a strange girl and is obsessed with gossip but she understands me and even though she's way more social than I am, she's totally cool with me being more introverted. 

"Nicole this better not be about another dumb relationship I have no interest in." I stop in my tracks and stare straight ahead. There they are. The 3 most popular guys in school. In every high school, there's always the few guys that all the girls want and all the boys want to be. It's just so stupid. Why does every single girl think they can change them? People don't change over 1 girl. It's just not possible. You'll always be hurt in the end no matter how hard you try to change their ways. They'll use you and once they're bored, they'll toss you like you were nothing but garbage. Yet for some reason, girls keep going back again and again for whatever their reasoning may be. 

"Autumn, are you even listening?" Nicole waves her hand in front of my face and giggles. I must've gotten lost in thought again. 

"Sorry Nicky zoned out again. What's wrong again?" She rolls her eyes in response and I can't help but laugh. 

"Starring at the world famous Adam King?" She nudges my side and I turn to face her. Why would I ever be starring at Adam King of all people. Adam King is nothing but an insecure bad boy who abuses his good looks. Okay, as much as I hate the guy, he is absolutely gorgeous with his messy blonde hair and his electric blue eyes. But that's beside the point. He gets whatever he wants, whenever he wants and his 2 idiot friends follow him around like lost puppies. 

"I wouldn't dare stare at Adam King Nicky. I have better things to be doing with my life." I respond with annoyance clear in my voice. 

"Whatever you say, Autumn." We link arms and head towards the large school in front of us. She tells me all about her morning, the latest drama, and her big news as we reach my locker. 

"Woah hold up. Mark Andrews asked you out?!" I question and her smile grows. Nicole is quite attractive. Her long straight brown hair complements her bright blue eyes beautifully. She's an amazing 5'7 and she's so thin yet eats so much, I'm kind of jealous. 

"Yes! We have a date this weekend! How exciting is that?!" I pull her into a tight hug and smile. I'm so happy for her! She's had a huge crush on Mark Andrews since grade 7. We part from the hug when I notice a group of guys pushing around a single person. I take a few steps closer and the realization of what's occurring washes over me. 

"Autumn don't. We shouldn't get involved." Nicole whispers and attempts to drag me away. I push past her and sprint towards the group of guys. 

"Stop!" I screech and the poor kid falls to the floor. I kneel down beside him and check his pulse. That's what you're supposed to do right? I don't know, I'm not a paramedic! 

"Who the fuck are you?" I stand and turn around to look at the 3 guys staring at me with stern expressions. What have I gotten myself into? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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