Chapter 10

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Bree's POV
As I walked into Spencer's room I could see he was already awake
Bree: Spencer your awake
I said running over to him kissing him
Spencer: well considering how im talking and have my eyes open then I agree with your statement
Bree: that was because that was a fact
Spencer: I know it was a fact
Bree: I missed you so much
Spencer: me too amare (love in Latin) now come get in my bed
Bree: no I don't want to hurt you
Spencer: if you don't get in this bed with me then I will name our child copper
Bree: no I want to name it Tyler Blaine Reid for a boy and for a girl Davina Ann Reid
Spencer: I like those names I think we have already chosen the name of our child
I get in bed with Spencer and he raps his arm around me
Bree: how do you feel about DHE REID MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
Spencer: I like it but I don't think it exists
Bree: well by the end of the day it will
Spencer: did you buy a hospital
Bree: yeah I actually bought this one it is just so worn done, the employees uniforms have stains all over them, the electronics look like there from the 1980's, and there is nothing in the cafeteria that will stop my cravings like what does it take for a pregnant women to get pickles, and grape soda
Spencer: technically we own the hospital so send a intern to do it or maybe ask JJ
Bree: I will JJ considering how you probably already told her and I don't want everyone to know their new boss is pregnant
Spencer: yeah I already told her but I'm pretty sure you already to Cya
Bree: I'm going to go get the girls

Bree: JJ and Cya can you come in Spencer's room real quick I have a question
JJ: what do you guys need
Bree: we are waiting for the papers to buy the hospital can you guys go get some stuff for me
Cya: sure
Bree: I need you to go get a dependable lawyer to read over the hospital ownership papers and Cya I need you to go to the store and get whole dill pickles, strawberries, bananas, oranges, apples, grapes, and some bottles water these cravings suck so bad
JJ: I know
Bree: thank you guys so much
JJ: no problem that best friends for
Cya: hey she is my best friend so back off
JJ: and I'm Spencer's
Cya: oh that makes since I thought she was 2 timing us
Everybody laughs
After they leave I talk to Spencer
Bree: what do you think about having 2 godmothers instead of a godfather
Spencer: definitely if your thinking about Cya and JJ
Bree: I am
Spencer: I love the idea
Bree: me too and I also think we need a smaller house
Spencer: why you love our house
Bree: well I don't want our child to grow up like I did I mean my dads maid practically raised me and I also don't want our child to become a rich bitch because she get whatever she wants
Spencer: I think your in nesting
Bree: shut up

Bree: hello Dr.Pratt
Pratt: hello Bree and dr. Reid I have just came in to she how you are holding up
Spencer: I'm fine but please don't call me dr. Reid my name Spencer or some people call me Reid what ever is your choice
Bree: Spencer I made dr. Pratt chief of cardio
Spencer: sounds like a good choice
JJ: I brought the lawyer and Garcia asked me to give you this food
Bree: thanks JJ
Pratt: I hate to interrupt there ready to sign the papers in the conference room
Bree: can you ask them if we can sign it in here I think Spencer should be here for it
Pratt: yes I can

20 minutes later

Owner: hello Mrs. Reid I have come with the papers
Bree: ok let my lawyer look over the contract before we read it so we all know what is going on
Owner: ok
My lawyer hands it to me and I read it within two minutes then I hand it to Spencer who also reads it with 2 minutes

Owner: I thought you said you we're going to read them
Spencer: we both read 20,000 words a minute
Owner: oh
I grab my check book and give the ex owner the check I then turn to my lawyer
Bree: when can we change the name
Lawyer: right now I brought the papers just in case what do you want it to be changed to
Lawyer: ok the name will officially be changed tomorrow
Bree: I'm going to go introduce myself to our new staff wanna come
Spencer: hell yes
Bree: I'm going to go page Pratt for a wheel Chair

Bree: hello nurse can you page Dr. Pratt
Nurse: can I ask why
Bree: because I need him to give me the all clear on something
Nurse: ok let me page them

Pratt: what can I help you with Bree
Bree: well we just bought the hospital and we wondered if you would give us the all clear for me to roll him around in a wheel chair
Pratt: he has a all clear but will you take a resident with you
Bree: oh course
Pratt: I will go get you a wheel chair and a resident
Bree: thank you

Bree: Spencer Pratt is bringing a wheel chair for you
Pratt : her you go your resident and wheel chair
Bree: thanks Pratt
Pratt: no problem
Bree: hello I'm Bree what's your name
Taylor: Taylor it's nice to meet you
Bree: nice to meet you too so tell me what you don't like about the hospital
Taylor: well the uniforms are gross and the place where we sleep between rounds the mattresses are hard as a rock
Bree: ok can you set me up with a phone that hooks to the intercom and a conference room
Taylor: ok
Bree: Spencer ready to meet a whole bunch of doctors that think that they are smarter than us
Spencer: yeah right

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