Chapter 2

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Garcia POV
I just got off the phone with Reid I still couldn't believe he has a wife. Though it does kind of make me wonder what else we don't know about. Also another thing I just realized my chocolate thunder has been teasing him about finding a girl for years and all he had to do was be "like stop teasing me I have a wife", so I'll definitely be asking about that. Unfortunately with all of these thoughts running through my brain, I have yet to pack up my computer and badge. So I spent the next twenty minutes doing that. Then I was out the door and judging from the looks I had received people knew something was up since I'd normally never leave the floor while on a case. Realistically though I didn't care because I'm going to meet a celebrity and the love of Reid's wife. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I'm l like a ninja trying to find my target. Speaking of target I should probably there to find a gift for Mrs. Reid.

After a long hour later driving to the hospital and making several pit stops to buy gifts I had arrived with my massive bag of goodies had gotten her. So I quickly headed over to the nurse's station with my badge already pulled out for them.
Garcia: "Hello, I'm Penelope Garcia with the FBI and I am here to keep Bree Reid company for the day."
Once my badge was fully checked over and she had found the information needed in the computer I was handed a visitor pass along with a sticky note that held the room information.
Garcia: "Thank you so much."
Nurse: "Have a nice day Ms. Garcia."
Garcia: "You too."

A couple of minutes later, I began to realize how many photographers were here because of Mrs. Reid. He did a really good thing requesting only FBI agents were allowed to be with her. Though that thought also made me really sad because if he knew to do that then he's experienced this before. Thankfully I had managed to find her room fairly quickly and avoided most of the paparazzi. So I happily knocked on the door while being really careful to not drop everything since that would be a really embarrassing thing to do in front of a celebrity and the entire world.

Bree: "Come in."
Garcia: "Hello. I'm Penelope Garcia. I work with your husband. Sadly with his case being in Kentucky, he won't be able to get here for another few hours, so he's asked me to come to keep you company. I hope that's alright with you."
Bree: "Garcia, I know who you are. Spencer talks about you a lot. He says you're the life of the team, which wouldn't surprise me since your outfit screams fun."
Garcia: "Trust we will be having a long conversation about all the things he's told you about me in a bit."
Bree: "Well I happened to be really bored, so you would mind giving me a case or better yet a game to play on your phone."
Garcia: "Well the only way I can give you a case or a government-issued phone is if you are an FBI agent or really smart."
Bree: "I have a higher IQ than Spencer."
Garcia: "How is that possible. Nobody can ever be smarter than our boy genius."
Bree: "I've got 189 which is two points higher."
Garcia: "Well your officially the smartest person I know and your is husband definitely a close second."
Just from the way she looked and talked I knew she was beyond tired. So I tried really hard to not be the overly excited person I normally would since I know how annoying loud people can be while your tired and recovering. Plus she's most definitely got a massive headache since the lights are all off and the blinds are closed, which would not surprise me since I know concussions have been known to cause a lot of migraines.
Bree: "I have a question."
Garcia: "I might have an answer."
Bree: "How often does Morgan make fun a Spencer? He'll mention it every once a while, but I have a feeling it happens a lot more than he tells me."
Garcia: "Well it's more teasing then making fun of him and it depends on the subject. So when the topic of finding a girl, his hair, being a virgin, all the books he's read, or the lost list of facts come out then he'll say something."
Bree: "He does that stuff all the time though."
After a few minutes of us just being silent things started to become awkward so I ended up trying to rack my brain for us to talk about that didn't involve Morgan or the FBI. Eventually, I landed on their love story. So I quickly pulled up a chair and began trying to think of what question I would like the most.
Garcia: "How did you meet?"
Bree: "In college, we were both really young I was 11 and he was 12. Almost instantly we began to hang out since everyone else wasn't very nice about us being preteens in college. So we would read books and put codes in them like "how are you" or "did you well on the test". We were best friends then one day around the age of 14 we were in my dorm studying and he looked really cute so I kissed him and he kissed back. We've been together ever since and a few days after my 18th birthday we got married."
Garcia: "That's really cute."
Bree: "Hey since I can't help with the case would you mind helping me with something. I'm horrible with computers and all the tech stuff. I'm trying to make a scrapbook. So far I've already uploaded my pictures to iCloud, but I need help designing it. So would you mind helping me figure out how to download all the pictures then put it together. I want it to be an anniversary present."
Garcia: "Of course I'll help you."
It probably took me a total of ten minutes to get everything popped up since the internet here was incredibly slow. Though when I did the computer was carefully put onto her tray so she could type in her information. Unfortunately, I had failed to realize she had a bunch of IVs in her arms and with her concussion physically staring at my bright screen seemed to really hurt. So I just took the computer back and looked at her while waiting for her to tell me the stuff I needed to find the photos while turning the brightness down a bit.  
Bree: "My username is and the password is 052799."
Funny enough when I managed to get into the account the very first picture I saw was one of Reid a few years before he joined the team and his face was covered in a short beard and a massive smile.
Garcia: "Alright, I have got in. Though I can't believe Spencer had a beard before we met him."
Bree: "It's been so long that I can hardly imagine it myself."

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