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This story is Collaborated
By the 7 Queens including myself. Haha .

This is a very touching yet funny story.

This is just a product of author's imagination.
Any resemblance to real names,  happenings , events and places are purely coincidence.

I hope no one will be offended with this story 'cause it's only a story.

Writers :
Darksoile-Sorry Luciana
IzzyBheir  - Reunion of Mightiest
@IwaynEix- The Library's Secret
Malmistress The leftover Cherish
ronwifey - The Hidden Slayer
@kaizerJoy - not yet writing
lightsoile- not yet writing

This are the cool writers of this collaborated story.


The Ugly's First HeartbreakDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora