Chapter Eleven: Shoot

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Greed sent one of his chimera's after Ed. Wait, that lizard, was he the one I saw following me around town the other day? Bido. I think that's what I heard Greed call him. From the way Ed fought me the other day, he can take him easily.

While waiting, all I can do is pray for Ed's safety. I want to be miserable, I never meant to be a burden to anyone. But now is not the time to break down. I need to keep my composure, and my head up. While the seemingly endless minutes tick by, Dolcetto, who is still sitting on the wooden crate beside me sucking on his cigarette, surprisingly starts talking to me.

"You're pretty impressive, kid. You've been through a lot of hell. As much or more than anyone else here."

At first I am silent, it's not like kidnappers to strike up a conversation with their hostages. Maybe if Dolcetto didn't try to kill me, I'd actually like him.


"So that Matthew guy, he teach you all that stuff?"

"No. I'm self taught."

"Seriously? And you're that good?"

"I guess. A sword isn't even my first choice in weapon."

Martel laughs. "You're kidding! You knocked everyone on their ass and its not even your first choice? What is? I'd sure as hell not want to fight you with it."

"Bow and arrow." I reply. I do feel a bit guilty sharing my information with these people, but they know what I can do, I doubt they'd try and fight me again. "So what's your story?"

"I told you. We're chimeras." Dolcetto says, taking another puff of his cigarette.

"What kind?"

"Well, you're curious. I'm part dog. Martel is snake. Roa's cow. We've got the odd crocodile and lizard, too."

"Why....why would anyone make you like this? Rob you of your lives?"

"Who knows? Not like we had any other choice. But we live here know. As long as I have a roof over our heads and something to eat, I'm happy. Besides, working for Greed has its benefits."

I stare off into space again. Al is talking to Martel in his armor. I can't make out what they're saying.


The door opens and Bido drops to the floor, out cold. Ed stands in the doorway.

"Never occurred to me you could get kidnapped." He says. His eyes turn to me.

"Leah? How did...." He looks at Greed. "Let her go. She has no part in this."

"Sorry. But I can't. And really, she does have a role to play here." Greed replies.

"Brother! This guy's a homunculus!" Al yells.

"Seriously?!" Ed asks.

"You got it." Greed shows Ed the back of his hand.

"You have an ouroboros tattoo. So you are a homunculus." Ed says.

I can't believe I didn't notice before! The tattoo of a dragon eating its tail. The distinct mark of artificial life made by alchemy.

"That's right. I'm offering an equivalent exchange. You tell me how to bond a soul to a suit of armor, I'll tell you how to fabricate your own homunculus. You want to get your bodies back right?"
He continues, "Really, why would you? You've got one already perfect. You don't need to eat or sleep, you can get beat up and it doesn't matter! Who'd want to go back anyway?"

"Shut up." Ed says, almost before Greed finishes his sentence. He says it in an eerie silence, a harsh whisper. It would have been less terrifying if he'd yelled.

Those with Sparks in Their Eyes: A FMA(B) FanFicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat