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"mingyu? are you okay?"

"I should be the one asking you that."

"but. you sound like you've been crying."

"I'm fine, we should be talking about you and how you're feeling."

"but I want to know why you were crying."


"please tell me mingyu."

"I got a call a few minutes ago. h-he. h-his name was chan and I couldn't save him."


"I couldn't save him, maybe if I just said something more or tried harder-"

"you tried hard mingyu, there's nothing else you could have done."

"well there's nothing to do anymore. I just- I'm so used to good outcomes, I never thought a bad one would come."



"how would you react if I was the one who killed himself?"

"......wonwoo, that's not funny."

"I wasn't trying to be."

"stop. don't. you know I care about you, I care about everybody."

"but it doesn't feel like you do."

"but I do. I do care."

"that's all I wanted to hear."

2:46am call ended

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