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(To be honest this is probably not even done, as there are still places I wish to add but this is what I have so far.)

I remember the day a wanderer, wearing a well loved leather jacket with patches and fraying edges looking worn and weary of the road, walked into my inn. It was located at the crossroads where vagabonds make deals with creatures that lurk beyond the veil for safe travels in their next adventure. I asked the man, about where he was coming from and why he was leaving that adventure behind for he looked worn and weary but had a spark in his eye that told of stories and adventures yet to come.

He said "I come from the North, looking for a place my heart will call home. I have wandered far across the Northern land, and have seen the sky light up like fire, in greens, blues, and purples as stingrays glide along through the air making paths that ripple with light behind them. I have seen the elk whose antlers are made of ice and curve towards the ground until the weight grows too much and they break like glaciers into the sea. I have seen the wolves whose howls create the northern wind, and whose fur is made from the wind itself making them nothing more than a faint outline back dropped by endless skies. I have seen the owls that, when they beat their wings, create storms of snow. I have seen the massive ice caves that glitter like the stars and the ice that is so clear you can see for miles through it, including looking down to where the oceans lay beneath the ice with animals of all shapes and sizes that swim underneath your feet separated from you by only ice. I've seen the magnificent plains of snow that are unbroken and undisturbed. I have seen the rabbits whose fur is made from the snow itself that are cold enough to give you frostbite with a single touch. I have seen all the places and things the North has to offer, yet my heart still yearns for someplace to call my home. I have spent so much time up in the North, isolated and alone, that I do not remember the other places this world seems to hold. You are the inn keeper at the place where travellers from all places of this world come through, so you must hear of places that people have seen and creatures that those are in awe of. I am here as a traveller looking for the next road to walk and I was wondering if you know of any particular places that I should see?"

In which I replied, "You have seen the North and all the wonders the cold does hide, so why not head to the South? Where lions with manes of grass and flowers do roam, where the land meets the sea and create beaches that stretch all along the coast, miles and miles of shoreline, where cities sit atop the water and mermaids swim alongside the boats, trading shells and things lost to the deep ocean water. The mermaids tell stories of the oceans, speaking with the sailors like they are old friends, warning them of ill weather that may be heading their way, in exchange for stories about the things located far away from them where no mermaid will ever see. Go to the South and see the horses with manes on fire, where the sky is clear and the sun shines most days. Though beware the days the sky is filled with clouds, the storms in the south are stronger than most, riding on the wings of birds that have adapted to both fly through the air and fly through the ocean currents. They are larger than mountains and have feathers that pick up the water when they dive beneath the surf, creating rough surf and waves that can sink cities. When they breach the surface again, rising back into the air, water rains down from their feathers creating downpours that can last for miles as the birds' fly, with winds that pick up with each beat of their mighty wings, fast and strong enough to topple buildings. Go towards the South and see the plains where creatures whose homes burrow deep into the ground, so deep that it's almost as if they are trying to reach for the stars on the other side of our world. Go south and you may see the birds that fly among the stars shining so bright that they cast a shadow behind you as you walk under them, even though it is the middle of the night. So go south my friend, and you may find the sea is calling you home."

He followed my advice and headed south, down among the road that so many had travelled before each looking for something different with unique stories to tell. As he left I continued on with my job as the keeper of the inn at the crossroads where worn travelers can take their stay, I heard stories of places far away and of things I had never seen before. Though even when years had pasted I still remember the wanderer from the north looking for a place his heart would call home, it was when I hadn't seen him in years I thought that he might have found a home among the heat of the South with the breeze of the seas. Though one day in the afternoon heat he walked back into the inn and told me,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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