My First Hockey Game

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I am excited to be going to my first ever hockey game tonight. I never had any interest in it before I met Tyler but he's done his best to try to explain as much to me as he can. I'm really looking forward to seeing him play. He offered to leave tickets for my friends to come too, but I decided I want to experience it for the first time by myself. He went so far as to offer us a suite but I said next time we will take him up on that offer.

I took a half day at work today to make sure I didn't get stuck in traffic going from work to the game. It's a Friday, when the traffic is like 25% worse than usual. Tyler told me I should get there for when the doors open so I can watch him warm up. He told me exactly what to do and what to expect so I can't wait to get there and have my first hockey experience. I am spending time with Grace before I have to leave. I wish I could take her with me. She loves people and she loves Tyler.

Tyler and I have seen each other a few times since our skating date. I've gotten to watch a pre-season hockey game with him. That is when he took the time to teach me about hockey. It was fascinating. Not only did he teach me about the rules of the game but how he would handle certain situations if he were out there.

I bought Grace a Stars shirt that I've put on her and I think she looks happy to wear it. I post a few pictures of her in it to her Instagram account and send the best one to Tyler.

She wants to go to the game too.

That would be great, sorry Gracie. She looks great in victory green

I don't put shirts on her usually but I think she likes it. She's been prancing around the house

I take a video of her proudly prancing around the house in her new shirt. She makes me laugh. She's got such a personality. I send the video to Tyler.

So cute. She loves it.

I can't wait for tonight. I'm real excited

Hopefully it'll be a good game for you.

I also can't wait to see you.

He sends me a selfie. It's from the shoulders up but I can tell he's not wearing a shirt. Getting dressed. Have to leave soon.

I've been so lazy ever since I got home.

You're allowed. I'm sure Grace is happy you're home.

Yeah, she's in her glory

Can you send me a selfie? I want to see you before I play

I take a few selfies before settling on one that I consider acceptable to send to him and send it. Will see you soon

So beautiful. Ugh. I have to get going now. I'll see you after the game. I'll text you information about what you need to do to come down and see me after. Have fun.

Thanks, Tyler, good luck.

Before I leave the house there is a big part of me that wants to leave the TV on so Grace can watch the game. I should skip the game and go straight to the loony bin. I wind up vetoing that idea and settle for just leaving the light on for her. That's much more sane.

I get to the arena and park then head over to the box office to pick up my ticket. Next stop is Victory Park where there is all sorts of activities going on. It's like a kid friendly tailgate party. There is cornhole, some kind of mini street hockey, a bouncey house, promotional giveaways, lots of stuff to do before the game starts. Tyler told me to get in early so I opt to get in line and wait for the doors to open.

Once I get inside I'm a little overwhelmed. Everyone seems to know where they want to go and I have no idea. I know where my ticket says I need to go but I have to find out where to go to watch them warm up. He's expecting me to be there. It would be embarrassing to have to tell him I couldn't figure it out.

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