We Are Ready

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Use decals, they said. It'll be easy, they said. I don't know who they are, but I'd love to have a word with them. Sure, decals sound like the perfect idea on paper, until you can't seem to get the tree on the wall straight. I don't know why this has been so hard for me. There are thousands of videos on YouTube of people slapping them on so effortlessly and yet here I am, about to set this room on fire. They have to be perfect and for some reason no matter how I place them it just doesn't seem right to me. Finishing the nursery was supposed to be a fun thing to do on Tyler's day off but at this point I want to rip my hair out.

"Why can't I get it right? I don't understand. This is supposed to be easy." I'm trying to calm myself down before I get dizzy. I sit down on the glider, the only piece of furniture we left in the room. I'm feeling extra pouty today I guess. "I thought we were going to have fun today."

Tyler stands in front of me grinning from ear to ear with the most in love look on his face, perhaps a little amused at my overdramatic tantrum. "It's been fine every time."

"I feel like it hasn't. It never looks right to me."

"Even if that's the case, it doesn't have to be perfect. The baby isn't going to know."

"I'll know," I grumble. I know he's making perfect sense but there's a voice in my head screaming at me that it has to be perfect and I can't get it to shut up.

He leans over me and gives me soft little kisses, which makes me smile. "It'll be perfect no matter what because her mommy did it for her."

I sigh. "Yeah. Ok."

He kisses me once more, this time longer and with more feeling. "This is gonna be fun, and you're going to feel so relieved once we finish, and everyone's gonna be jealous because it's gonna be the best baby room of all time."

With Tyler around it's pretty much impossible to stay in a bad mood for too long. "If I can get this tree to stay straight." He smiles and I can tell he's trying very hard not to laugh. "What?"

He scrunches his nose and widens his smile. "You're cute."

"I'm frustrated."

"But so cute." He puts his hands on my shoulders and rubs up and down my arms. "Take a deep breath and try again. Whatever it looks like, that's what it'll be. It was fine before. No need to go crazy."

I glare at the wall and sigh. "Alright." I can't spend all day trying to get this tree perfect. There are so many other decals we still have to put up. We only have today until he's on the road for a while. We have to get it done.

"I'll start putting this stuff together. I won't watch." The stuff he's referring to is all of the furniture that's going into the room. My dad offered to help him but Tyler's determined to do it on his own.

"Maybe we should just hire someone."

"Ames, no. You got this. Go put those decals on the wall like the badass you are."

I laugh. "Thanks for the pep talk. I probably would have been mad at myself if I wound up hiring someone instead of doing it myself."

"Or mad at me for letting you."

"No...ok, yeah, probably."

"Mhmm. Then I'd have to say told you so, then you get even more mad, then you realize how stupid it is that you're mad at me, then we have crazy amazing make up sex. You should totally hire someone." He grins that signature Seguin proud of himself grin.

"I'm eight months pregnant so not sure where you're getting the crazy amazing part of that."

"Sex with you is always crazy amazing, even at eight months pregnant."

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