Shirou nods. "Yes and-"


"Damn, that's the class bell," Shirou muttered. "Issei, after school, I'll explain everything."

"You'd better," Issei said, slightly freaked out.

As Shirou and Issei walked to class, Shirou could tell Issei was freaked out. Shirou didn't blame Issei for this reaction. It's only natural.

'I feel bad,' Shirou thought. 'If I had just gotten there a few moments sooner he wouldn't be in this fucked up world. I-'

"Excuse me."

Shirou's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of Kiba Yuuto, who had entered the room. Shirou had also noticed that it was already getting late and class was almost over. Instantly the girls squealed and the guys growled in jealously.

"Hello, I'm looking for Emiya Shirou and Hyoudou Issei, please," he said. "Our club president wants to see them."

At the mention of Shirou's name, the girls are squealed; their yaoi dreams had come true.

"Yay!! Emiya and Yuuto, BL!!!"

"Our wishes have come true!!!"

"But why is Hyoudou going with them?"

"You don't think he's going to corrupt them, do you? Not our handsome, Prince Yuuto-Kun and our sexy, handyman Emiya-kun."

"Never. They're too nice to be perverts."

"This is why I never hang out with Kiba," Shirou sighed.

The two boys walked to Kiba, who smiled at Issei but glared at Shirou. 'Must still be mad about that whole holy sword, thing.' Shirou concluded. 'Wonder what that is about?'

"So why are we following this damn handsome," Issei growls.

Shirou sighs, Issei's jealousy of Kiba's good looks and luck with women was flaring up. "Just follow him. You'll see."

Kiba led the two to the Occult Research Club's (ORC for short) clubhouse, where they entered and found Rias Gremory sitting on a couch in the middle of the room. The shower that Shirou had seen was nowhere to be seen.

"I see you took the shower out, Gremory-senpai," Shirou observed. "Wanted to make a good impression for your new pawn?"

Rias blushed, then stuck her tongue out at Shirou. "Always with the teasing, eh, Emiya-kun."

"Emiya-kun?!" Issei shouted, turning and giving his friend a look of betrayal. "Just how do you know Gremory-senpai so well, Shirou?"

Shirou gives Issei a smug smirk, infuriating the boy.

"What a mean friend."

Issei turns to find Koneko sitting, eating a piece of chocolate.

"Hello, Koneko," Shirou greeted. "I brought some snacks for you."

Shirou took out a small bag of homemade candies and instantly Koneko gave Shirou her full attention. Looking at Shirou expectantly, she looked like some sort of pet begging her master for a treat. Smiling, Shirou threw her the candies, which she began eating at a scary fast rate.

"Don't eat all of them," Akeno, who had sneaked up from behind them, said. "You know that Emiya-sama's food is for all of us."

Koneko grunted, annoyed, but handed over her beloved candies, though not before stuffing her pockets with half of the remaining.

Fate of DXD (Fate/Stay Night & Highschool DXD crossover) PrototypeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ