Chapter 1

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"Shit. This most definitely is not my backpack." I then look around the front of the school just incase I might see the person with my bag. I then look back into the mystery bag to see if I could find some clues of who's bag I had and I surely knew this was not my bag.

It was filled with some marvel comic books, a chewed up pen, a note book filled with scribbles of foot ball stuff and weird cartoon characters burning the school down (which made me giggle a bit forgetting the fact I was missing my bag for a second), lots of trash, a tanktop a blue watter bottle, a leather walet (with no ID in it), a big stick of deodorant, one shoe missing its match, some big red chewing gum, and a piece of crumpled up paper with something written on it. I flattened the paper on my knee when I read one of my favorite poem copied on it with a sketch of a beautiful girl on the side. I then whispered allowed the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe to my self. All I could think was the owner of this bag had some good taste in poetry which I figured I'd never see again.

After making my bag raid I didn't really know what to do. My bag had my house keys, bus pass and my cell phone.........."WAIT MY CELL PHONE!!!!" Shit got real the moment I realized my phone was gone. No phone means no ride. There for I had to walk. It's not like I live to far it's just I was so used to walking a couple of minutes around the corner to my old school and now it takes me almost ten minutes from my house to the school speed walking.

When I finally got home I had to wait an hour for my brother to arive from elementary school to unlock the door. He smart mouthed me like usual and on that note he can make his own dinner because tonight both our parents had to work late.

I then made my way to my room as I began pacing back and forth thinking of what to do when I finally gave up and plopped my self into my large comfy chair. When at the same time I here a buzzing noise coming from the mystery bag. I then look threw it once more finding a cellphone. I guess I didn't notice it the first time.

I open the screen to find the mystery phone had a unread text so I opened it. It was from some body named Tommy and it read, "hey dude text me when your out of practice".

Practice? Like foot ball or something..........."Holly shit I have a some jock's bag.''

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