Belle took a look in the mirror, as she twirled around in her dress giggling.

-I can’t believe I am actually getting married. And to the love of my life!

-I wish you both nothing but happiness, Scarlett said as both women hugged each other tightly, belled softly whispered to her friend, “thank you for always being there for me”.

As Rumple looked at his reflection in the mirror, he asked.

-Who am I?

-You look like a prince, Bae said with admiration for his father.

Rumple had decided on a bluish black suit adorned with a light blue tie, that Bae helped his father put on, as Rumples hands were shaking from being so nervous.

-There you go Papa, you look perfect. I am so proud of you! Bae exclaimed as he put his hand on his fathers shoulder. "You have been all I ever needed in a father, and would never change a thing about you papa".

Those words touched Rumple deep within him

-Thank you Bae, I am proud to call you my son. I could not ask for anything more.

Bae smiled at his father as he turned to walk away, he realized he still had the dagger in his jacket.
He handed the dagger over to his father.

-Regina gave it to me so it would be in safe hands. But it belongs to you.

-No Bae, you keep it. Now that I found you, I no longer need it. Even though it no longer has magic, it is a memory of the heartbreak it brought our family. It is yours son to do as you wish with it.

Bae smiled at his papa, he truly had changed

Rumple was waiting at the altar, his hands fidgeting as he was both nervous and happy.
Archie Hopper, a mutual friend who had been there for both Belle and Gold had been chosen to preside over the ceremony.
All the guests had finally arrived and had taken their seats. He looked around at everyone who had showed up, but he only wanted to see his bride.
Belle finally arrived, her arm in her fathers, as she slowly started to walk towards the alter.
As they walked down the long isle of guests, everyone could not help but to admire her beauty in her beautiful white dress.
With each step she took, Belle felt her heart beating a little stronger.
Rumple finally saw her, and he was overwhelmed by her beauty. This beautiful brunette, with her beautiful blue eyes and fair complexion was only a few meters away from him.

She let go of her fathers arm, as her father gave her a kiss on the cheek. Belle went to join Rumple before the alter facing each other with excitement and love in their eyes.

-It is my great honor to officiate this most loveliest of unions Archie began.
He then turned to Belle: If you would like to begin your vows, as he nodded his head toward her with a smile.

With her voice filled with emotion, she began with the most beautiful words:

-Rumplestiltskin, this thing we have, it has never been easy. I’ve…I have lost you so many times. First to darkness, to weakness and.. and finally to death. But now I realize…I realize I have not spent my life loosing you…. But I have spent my life finding you.

With such tenderness in his voice, Rumple started his vows:

-Belle, when we met I wasn’t just unloved and unloving. I was an enemy of love. Love had only brought me pain. My walls were up. But with your love, you broke them down. You brought me home again. You brought light into my life, when there was none, and chased away all the darkness. And I vow to you I will never forget the distance between what I was…

He then took her hand, and slowly started to put the wedding ring on her finger as he continued:

-...and what I am. I owe more to you than I can ever say. How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know.

-But that monster is gone. Belle said. And that man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are. And I love you for it. Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. And sometimes the best tea cup is chipped.

The two then shared a tender a kiss that moved everyone that was there, bringing tears to their eyes, as they stood up to applaud the newlyweds.

After the wedding everyone headed towards the large mansion in Storybrooke for the reception where Granny had prepared a royal feast for all.
Belle and Gold made their grand entrance dressed in the finest clothes worthy of a King and Queen out of a fairy tale.
Belle was wearing a gorgeous dress embroidered with gold, and Rumple wore a stunning sparking blue shirt. As they walked hand in hand, Rumple led Belle to the middle of the ballroom which was decorated in a magnificent golden luster.
The music started to play as Rumple approached Belle:

“May I have this dance, Mrs. Gold? He said holding out his hand.

As she smiled at him, she curtsied and said, "with the greatest pleasure my love".
Belle placed her hand delicately in his, as she put the other on his shoulder looking up at him as Rumple led the dance. Both were lost in each others eyes as they danced the entire night away in each others arms.
Nothing could separate them.
Their story was only the beginning. A timeless story etched forever in memory. A tale as old as time, the tale of the Beauty and the Beast.

-The End-

Don't forget to read the epilogue😉

The Rose and the DaggerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon