"...Your dad floated me, after all."

I grinned wide at the prospect of flying. Impulsively, I ripped my seatbelt off and pushed off into the space above.

"Eyyy give it up for the red-head." The boy laughed out, loudly. Teenagers hollered around us yelling out in encouragement.

"It's not red." I pulled a fake annoyed face whilst pulling a strand of hair.

"What's your name?" He grinned.

"Eden."I floated towards him.

"You two should strap in before the parachutes deploy," the dark-skinned boy, Wells, directed to both Finn and I.

"If I'm gonna die I may as well do it floating, like your dad would have wanted."

Wells seemed taken aback but I didn't care he wasn't my dad.

"Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live," Clarke ordered.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. None of us got locked up and imprisoned, by our own people, just to let the joy of being set free drained and crushed by Killjoy and her chancellor boyfriend.

Finn and I continued to somersault in the air before the room jolted and all four of us, idiots, were thrown into one of the walls with force. Throbbing ran up my spine and a groan left my lips. "Fuck."

"Finn, are you okay?"

The lights flickered, as if their heartbeats were spiking. The ship itself spat out bright sparks, as it jostled back and forth. My body slammed back into the wall again. This time, harsh smoke squealed into the room, clouding the area that fluctuated between light and dark. The ship's organs groaned and churned, protesting at the rocketing speed we were most probably descending at.

Then nothing.

No sound. No movement. I think we landed?

"Listen. No machine hum."

"Whoa. That's a first."

I felt two strong arms haul me up, then Finn's eyes looked worriedly into my eyes. Finn's eyes were a warm brown and his hair fell below his ears. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "You're an idiot, Finn."

"As are you, Eden." I stared at him for a second before we both cracked up a little.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the two boys from before rendered unconscious. I sighed knowing I encouraged these kids to do something dumb. Finn knelt by them and checked for a pulse. I prayed that they were fine and that they were really only knocked out, but the solemn look on Finn's face told me otherwise.

Someone said something and suddenly everyone began to swarm out of the room and down to another level. There were more of us. Finn and I bulldozed our way through a mass of people. We came to a stop in front of a large metal door and three people: Wells and his blonde wife, and then a tall, dark and handsome somebody.

The last guy I noticed seemed older than the rest of us and he seemed ready to take charge and open up the drop ship.

"Stop. The air could be toxic."

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway," tall dark and handsome, stated matter of fact. And I agreed completely.

"Exactly! Who gives a fuck? Open the door, if we die then we die!" I called out smirking as the Clarke glared at me.

Right as, tall dark and handsome, was about to open the door the girl who sat beside me climbed down from the ladder and called out, "Bellamy?"

I huffed out as strong anticipation took hold of me. I wanted to go outside see what the Earth was like, I wanted to know if we were going to die already. What I didn't want to do was watch a reunion between Bellamy and his sister.

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