“Hey squirt, your birthday is coming up.” Louis said kindly pinching one of her cheeks like always.

“I am turning 16, so I won’t be such a ‘squirt’ anymore.” She teased sticking out her tongue.

"As long as I'm older than you, I can call you whatever I want." Louis smiled before looking over at Harry. He looked out of place, which was weird since he was use to this house ever since he was younger.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Louis called out making him snap out of a trance.

"Huh? What- oh yeah. I'm fine." Harry slurred not knowing what to say. He was far too busy in his thoughts. He was thinking about Zayn, of course. This is the first in many years that he won't be here to celebrate Christmas. Harry chewed on his bottom lip looking down at his shoes. Zayn told him he was going to stay home tonight and just lay with Boo. So without an attempt of dragging him along he agreed to let him stay.

The longer Harry pondered to himself the more he analyzed his life lately. He remembered the clues that this one girl was sending but what happened to her? She stopped which threw both Harry and Zayn off a bit. The cops haven't came up with much of a lead either.

I guess this mystery is over. Harry thought. Maybe we will never find out who had done this. This crime.

Harry was so deep in thought that he didn't notice with Karen and the Malik's walked in. But Louis was the first one to point out Liam's absence.

"Hey, where's Liam?" He had asked.

"Oh, the poor dear has came down with a cold all of a sudden. Said he better stay in bed rather than get you guys sick." She have a small smile hugging everyone before joining the mothers.

"Guys, it's time to eat." Maura announced.

"Yes!" Niall loudly said be the one to take a seat first at the table. Kaylor giggles at his actions as she sat next to him.

"Hey, you look beautiful tonight." Niall whispered passing her a butter roll.

"Thank you. So do you. Wait. I mean handsome. Yeah. Ugh! Why am I such a flirt fail." Niall laughed at her dispute with herself. He liked watching Kaylor mess up on small stuff. It was amusing to him.

Everybody else joined in around the rather large dinner table. As the family ate momentarily everyone's eyes would sneak a peek at the empty chair that sat besides Harry. That was Zayn's spot. There were small sniffs here and there. And some wiping of the eyes that were trying to play off as wiping their mouths.

The food was eaten which had them full and satisfied. They all say back and did a bit of small talk.

"Remember that time we we're left with no dessert that one year?" Anne said making the table perk with laughter.

"Yeah! Because Niall ate it all." Kaylor giggled looking at him blush.

"Aye! In my defense the cake teased me." Niall shot back.

"Oh yeah?" Safaa peeped. Niall nodded crossing his arms.

"And then Zayn and I went out to buy pie which we had to fight an old lady for." Harry smiled at the memory. Everybody took a small sigh remembering that day. Let alone just remembering Zayn.

"Remember on Independence Day, when we were all outside at night and we did a whole fireworks spectacular?" Waliyha said as she twirled around some peas on her plate.

"Oh yes that was loads of fun." Karen said having people agree with her.

"Yes it was I almost burned my ass that day, I was just a wee bit too close to the flame." Louis chuckled remembering that day. Niall laughed remembering how he watched the whole thing while laughing on his back in only swimming trunks.

"Now that was a sight to see." Niall added his face red from laughing.

The night went on as a night to remember. Literally. They sat around the table reliving memories. Zayn felt happy. He didn't stay home like he told Harry he would. He didn't want to worry him while he was at the dinner so he sat upon the stairs watching it all.

"Remember when Liam and Zayn used to date?" Safaa peeped making all eye contact land on her even Zayn's. Safaa couldn't deal with the feeling of pressure on her.

"Never mind!" She ran out the room and up the stairs locking herself in the bathroom. Zayn watched her knowing exactly what happened. He stood up and went to her, she was on the floor covering her eyes mumbling to herself. He kneeled down and held her hands making her gasp.

"W-who's there?" She whispered.

"Safaa. It's me." Zayn cooed.


"Yes." Zayn softly removed her hands from her face. Her eyes were still closed.

"Open your eyes Safaa." And she did, her eyes got watery at the sight of seeing her brother. She hugged him tight not caring that he was cold, but just caring about the fact that he was there.

"I miss you so much." She whispered pulling back to look at him.

"I know. I do too."

"So like, did you come down from heaven?" Zayn chuckled softly before kissing her forehead.

"I guess you can say that." He said wiping her tear.

"Have you been good? Taking care of mom and your sisters?" She nodded.

"Yes. I'm a big girl now. I'm tough enough." She was only 10 and so full of innocence. And that's what Zayn loved.

"Good. Now go back down, I'll be watching you and everyone else." Zayn stood up then helped her up.


"I promise. Now go on, they need you." Zayn said softly opening the door.

"Actually Zayn. We need you." Safaa whispered heading back downstairs.


Okay guys, so I've came to the conclusion that there are at least 2-3 chapters left for this book.

Please don't hate me I just have this plan worked out in my head.

So yeah.

The end is coming.

~Ivy M,

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