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Niall rubbed his fading blonde hair as he stepped up the steps to Harry’s house. Anne opened the door after Harry knocked on it for a few times. 

“There you are Harry.” She said putting a smile on his face letting him through. Harry gave Akshaya a wave as he set his bag down on the side going towards her. Akshaya shook his hand greeting him, letting him sit down on the couch.

“Niall!” Kaylor excitedly said hugging Niall tightly. He chuckled softly and grabbed her coat of the hook for her.

“C’mon Darlin’.” Niall motioned Kaylor out the door.

“I’ll have her back by 4.” Niall told Anne making her give him a ‘go on’ gesture.

“Have you been having any pain?” Akshaya asked laying Harry down lifting up his shirt.

“Not unless there’s physical pressure.” Harry said watching her fingers peel off the bandage showing the healing area.

“You’re looking pretty good, I say in a week you come down to the hospital and get those stitches out.” She said taking out a alcohol swab from her bag passing it lightly over the wound. Harry bit his lip holding in the hizz at the burning contact.

“That’s good.” Anne said coming close to see what she was doing.

“Yes, see here how it's raised a bit?” Anne asked looking at how concentrated Akshaya was on Harry’s wound.

“Over here, it is, but here he needs to make sure to wipe it down with alcohol at least 3 days a week.” Akshaya pulled out a couple packets of wipes and handed them to Harry.

“Just so you can get those stitches out before Christmas.” Akshaya smiled at him and softly sealed up his cut.

“Thank you Akshaya for being able to make here, and being able to spend your time.” Anne said standing back up with Akshaya shaking her hand. Harry sat up in the chair putting his arms on his knees and his hands together watching the two women head for the door.

“Oh, no problem.” She said pulling on her coat. Anne waved goodbye to his nurse before shutting the door.

“That went well.” Harry said standing up.

“You promised you would be home early Harry.” Anne said softly trying not to yell.

“I’m sorry I stayed up pretty late last night, I couldn’t sleep, okay?” Harry said picking up his bag going towards the steps.

“Don’t you walk away from me young man, I’m not done talking to you.” Anne sternly said making Harry turn around to look at her.

“You have an appointment on the 18th.” She said crossing her arms.

“With who?” Harry asked cocking an eyebrow.

“Your new therapist.”


“That one!” Kaylor bounced up and down pointing at a fluffy penguin as Niall was deciding what prize to collect. Niall laughed taking the penguin handing it to her.

“It’s so fluffy and adorable! I’ll name him James, since he reminds me of you.” Kaylor smiled making Niall blush softly. 

“Niall c’mon, let’s get some burgers!” Kaylor said taking Niall’s soft hand in her’s as she ran with him to the burger stand. Niall ordered a couple burgers for the both of them and 2 large slurpees. 

“Here you go, darlin’.” Niall said setting it down on the table that Kaylor chose for them. 

“Thanks Ni.” The two of them sat down and ate while conversing about their similarities. 

“Niall?” Kaylor asked as they both finished.

“What’s up?” Niall replied starting to walk around the carnival with her.

“What if I told you a secret that no one knew.” Kaylor said then started to slowly slurp some of the cherry slurpee he bought her.

“Well, for starters I’d feel special.” Niall told her heading towards the exit with her. They both started walking down the sidewalks.

“Why what’s on your mind buttercup?” Niall asked making the insides of Kaylor bubble slightly, she loved her nickname that Niall gave her.

“I don’t know if it’s right.” She told him looking down at her watch. 3:45 pm.

“What do you mean?” Niall stopped sitting down on a bench with Kaylor, they weren’t that far from her house but if it’s a secret she needs to tell he’d rather do it in private.

“It’s about me.” Kaylor started.

“Well duh.” Kaylor hit Niall lightly.

“Umm.. I don’t know how to say this.” She fidgeted in her seat moving her feet against the pavement.

“Go on I won’t judge you.” Niall said with a small smile.

“Okay.” Kaylor leaned closer to Niall’s ear. She kissed his cheek softly then whispered.

“I think I have a crush on you.”




Oh...u did? O.o huh.. ah well.

Hope you enjoyed this chap! ^.^

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