Chapter 2: The first kiss

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Timmy brushed himself off, before clearing his throat from the dried up tears. He wiped off some of the snot that dribbled past his nostrils with his wrist before he excused himself and went off to tend to some of the customers' orders. My eyes wouldn't allow themselves to stray away from his retreating figure as he went behind the counter and took out a glass pitcher and filled it water.

He was still sniffling; but it didn't break off his facade. I jumped when Linda punched my arm, in which I responded to with a groan and rubbed it roughly, trying to ease its throbbing ache. Man could this woman throw a punch for that age.

Linda was strange.

Is she sure that she's really a woman? I cursed as I crossed my eyebrows at her into a withering sneer, one that I hoped would intimidate her. But alas, my hope only backfired and made its way back around me when she smacked me.

"Ow!" I hissed at her. She smacked me again only harder at the same spot. I tried sidestepping away from her, mostly around the small round table, but she matched my pace and only moved every time I did. She tilted her head to the side while she held out her arms towards me and waved her hands in an encouraging way to come at her. Challenging me to make my move. I scoffed.

This grandma is hard core. Dang. "For a grandma, you ain't half bad." I mockingly teased her. She snarled at me before snapping her jaw at me, "Bitch, i'm hardcore, and I tolds you to call me g-ma. Don't ye youngin's have respect for them elders!" She hissed out.

"Not when they don't respect, much less defend their own blood." I snapped back infuriated. Linda's face softened, as she dropped her fight stance in shame. Her shoulders hunched forward as she clasped her face with the palm of her hand. Guilt started to rise and bubble up in my chest, but I fought to restrain it and pushed it back down... she should feel guilty.

She should feel guilty for not sticking up for Timmy. But, then again, I didn't even stick up for him that just makes me a hypocrite on my part. "Says the one who claims to love Timmy and just stands there when he needed his 'knight in shining armor' boy some prince you are!" She snapped back. I cringed at that southern drawl that oozed with heavy sarcasm.

I shivered in grotesque.

That does not work out for a woman of her age. "You fucking bitch!" Roy cried out from a corner with a hoarse gasp. Both Linda and I swiveled our heads back to see Roy drenched in ice cold water. His clothes were sticking to his skin, as water droplets fell his from his face and trickled down to his neck.

I couldn't hold in my laughter, and neither could Linda, as Timmy set down the pitcher of water on the round table with a bang. Louis was trying to hold back in some chuckles of his own with a hand cupped over his mouth..."Its my bakery. I'm having none of that you mother fucking douche bags get your asses out of here, or i'm calling the cops, by law I have the right to refuse service to anyone who isn't welcomed here."

He managed out. Even though he is trying to act bravely, I could tell that he was really nervous for what they were about to say, much less react. His shoulders were stiff and tense, and his puppy dog eyes were filled with dreaded fear. I almost took one step forward to, but I forced my body to resis and succumb to my desire to back him up. If I did that, Louis and Roy would recognize me. They were both on the football team, and they would be suspicious if they saw me here.

After all, I had no idea that they were going to show up here tonight. They told me that they we were all going to go bowling, and even invited me to go along with them... but I refused them. They both knew fairly well that I disapproved of their bullying. Its a cruel and unjustly thing to do, and especially to my Timmy.

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