Chapter Eight: Starting again

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Okay, I'm sorry for my emotions. I am a very emotional person.

Okay, so I originally wrote a 2,270 something chapter but decided before publishing it, to split it up into two separate chapters. So this one is the shorter one, while the next chapter is longer.

Enjoy it, my loves!!!


Caitlin walked quietly down the hall to her room, the voices of her mom and Charlie caught her attention through Chalie's open door at the end of the hall on the right. Her curiosity peaked, words began to take shape as she came closer.

"Tink," Her mom paused for a second "said peter amiably," Her mom read, "this lady says she wishes you were her fairy." She paused again, but not quite as long to be dramatic. It was merely a second. "Tinker Bell answered insolently."

A smile came to Caitlin's face. After nearly two years of the absence of her mom reading to Charlie, here she was. Reading, once again. Reading the book that Caitlin had started a few days prior. They were on the third chapter, when the story-loving Darling siblings met the adventurous, yet sarcastic boy who never grew up named Peter Pan and the sassy, yet hot-tempered fairy by the name of Tinker Bell. Despite the uncommon opinion, Caitlin has always favored the stubborn fairly that she could relate to over the imaginative only daughter of the Darling family. As she approached the room, she leaned against the wall next to the pale white door frame, out of view of her family. It didn't matter though, her mom's back was to the open door and Charlie was too focused on listening to his mom's quiet, soothing voice she used only when comforting her children or reading a story. She had used that voice earlier while her and Caitlin sat on the couch watching TV and ate that still-warm doughnut.

"What does she say, Peter?" Her mom paused, "He had to translate." She made another pause, indicating when someone either said or did something. "She's not very polite. She says you are a great (huge) ugly girl, and that she is my fairy." Her mom read and a laugh could be heard from inside Charlie's room, as Caitlin smiled at the quote from the book. "He tried to argue with Tink." Her mom continued, "You know you can't be my fairy, Tink, because I am a gentlemen and you are a lady." Another smile spread like peanut butter on Caitlin's face. She leaned her head against the wall, listening closely. Her mom's sweet voice was a wildfire, spreading from each room to the next, filling the house. "To this Tink replied with these words," her mom paused once more, "You silly ass," Caitlin couldn't help but chuckled at the curse word her younger brother hopefully wouldn't catch up on for a few more years. Her mom and Charlie must have heard her, because that sweet wildfire of a voice stopped filling the house and changed into something more weightless, like water. "Caitlin, come in here we know you're there." Her mom called and Caitlin peeled into the room, her little brother's face lighting up upon seeing her.

"On chapter three I take it?" Caitlin asked already knowing the answer. She walked past her mom sitting on a wooden chair, book in hand and sat down cross legged next to Charlie as he laid on his race car bed. She pulled her younger brother to her, sitting him on her lap, a giggle escaping his lips.

"Tinker Bell is quite the character isn't she?" Caitlin asked her brother, bouncing him lightly, another giggle escaping him.

"Yeah, she reminds me of someone." Her mom said nonchalantly, a smile at the corner of her lips appeared.

"Me too." Caitlin agreed, touching a finger to her chin as she pretended to think.

"Who? What? Tell me!" Charlie begged, repeatedly hitting the hand that wasn't to Caitlin's chin, trying to get her attention.

"It's nothing, Charlie." Their mom said with an amused smile. "Just your sister acting too much like a fictional character."

"Well I had to have gotten my stubbornness from somewhere." Caitlin said, alluding to her mom whose amused smile went nowhere.

"Keep reading mom!" Charlie plead from Caitlin's lap, not realizing that he interrupting the friendly mother-daughter banter.

So with a smile directed at both of her children, Mrs.Tannhauser continued reading.


Caitlin didn't know what the day would bring as she finished with her light application of make up and got changed. Would Cisco and Felicity still be there for her? She knew that her mom called her blond best friend on her way back to the house after getting Caitlin's call. However, after knowing her Felicity was likely to blow up at Barry. Caitlin didn't feel bad though. He had failed to see what was most important throughout everything that happened. Although rumors were very painful, it wasn't just that. It was like Barry was blind to it; she didn't even know if he would figure it out.
Caitlin was afraid. Afraid of facing Felicity and Cisco, Barry. She was afraid of what Iris might do. Would she punch her, push her to the ground? Would she act like a bitch and verbally bully Caitlin? Hell, for all she knew Iris could thank her for shoving Barry out of her life and into Iris's.

"So you are going to school today?" Caitlin heard a voice ask as she ran her fingers through her hair, combing it.

"I missed all my Thursday classes yesterday, I have to make them up today." Caitlin said simply to her mom, not mentioning a lick of anything that had to do with her friends, Barry, or that football game tonight.

"Mmhm." Her mom hummed, "Are you going to talk to him today?"

Caitlin's eyes shot up to meet her mom's in the bathroom mirror's reflection. "No. No-of course not."

Did her mom know how many rumors would spread about her? What Iris would do? No, of course not. Her mom wasn't at that prison of a place five days, two thousand one hundred minutes, and one hundred twenty six thousand seconds a week. Caitlin knew she was getting to the end of the string with Iris's threats. The last thing she wanted was to get a palm-impression cheek or a bruise again. She had covered up the bruise with a long sleeve shirt and the palm-impression by splashing cool water on her face.

"Why don't I just bring you to school today? Then you don't have to ride the bus." Her mom proposed.

"Okay," Caitlin nodded walking out of the bathroom and putting her shoes on.

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