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Junhee woke up as he heard some hushed voices and as he opened his eyes, he saw the peach-colored ceiling. Donghun seems to notice that Junhee was already awake and went to his side.

“Good morning, Junhee.” Donghun says as he ruffled the younger’s hair “It’s already 5 A.M and you’ve been asleep for more than eight hours.”

“Okay.” he muttered as he looked around for his bag, “Can I have my bag for a while? I just want to get something from it.”

“Sure, it’s on the living room. Just.. don’t think of running away, okay? And Sehyoon hid your phone.” Junhee felt like he was splashed by a bucket filled with cold water. Sehyoon took Junhee’s phone and he must’ve seen his medicine.

Junhee nods, trying to endure the pain that he feels as he went to the living room. As he saw his bag, he ran and took a pill while going to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He swallowed the pill and drank water quickly as he let the pain fade a bit until he’s feeling alright again.

“Oh, you’re awake. Good morning, hyung.” Byeongkwan greeted him as the younger opened the fridge before looking at him, “I’m going to cook breakfast later, do you want me to cook something for you?”

Junhee shook his head, “No, thank you for asking.”

“Hey, Junhee hyung. I want to show you something, would you mind coming with me for a while?” Junhee wondered what is Byeongkwan going to show him that the younger’s smile was really wide, he nods and Byeongkwan's eyes sparkled as he grabbed Junhee's hand “Come on, hyung!”

As they entered a room, Junhee can’t help but be surprised on what’s in this room. It’s filled with plants and some kind of short trees which was planted on a huge flower pot, and he noticed that most of the plants here were cacti.  Junhee can spot a cactus on every single corner of this room.

“Too many cacti.” he said

Byeongkwan laughed, “I know right. Yuchan kept on buying them, he really likes them.”

“Oh yeah.” Junhee remembered how Yuchan kept on boasting about his collection of cacti and even joked about making a song about a cactus.

“It’s pretty aesthetic here, hyung.” Byeongkwan said as he sat on the carpet while looking at the glass window.

The room was huge and on the four corners of it were filled with plants and there’s a mini-bookshelf and a large gray carpet. The glass windows were huge and Junhee can see that there’s a pile of snow on the ground outside. Gray clouds covering the skies as it continues to snow. The room was pretty comfortable and Junhee can’t believe that Yuchan was so rich. He only mentioned about being in a wealthy family but Junhee wasn’t expecting that their youngest friend was THIS rich.

“The view’s somehow comforting, right?” Byeongkwan asked as he glanced at the brunette.

Junhee nods, “You’re right.”

“Too bad that it’s winter, Yuchan said that the meadow outside their resthouse was so beautiful. What a pity..” Byeongkwan pouted as he looked down before looking at Junhee then smiled at him, “But guess that after you, Donghun and Sehyoonie graduates.. we'll come back here.”

“Did I even agreed on that?” Junhee scoffs while raising an eyebrow.

Byeongkwan’s lips had formed a smirk as he gave Junhee a menacingly look “Whether you like it or not, you’re still going to join our trip. I still have a lot of plans hidden on my sleeves.”

“Now, you’re getting scary. Stop it.” Junhee said in a stern voice and Byeongkwan laughs.

“Why? Rayoon acts a bit scary to you and it’s okay to you? So unfair,hyung~” Byeongkwan said as he hold Junhee’s wrist, “Sit beside me,hyung! You’ve been standing for too long.”

The Disease Called Love | Park JunheeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin