Chinese Restaurant (MaxwellxMC)

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Authors Note: so I had this idea a little while ago around the time I first heard the song Chinese Restaurant by Scott Helman (one of my fave singers. You should listen to him if you haven't) and I started thinking about if things had gone differently the night Maxwell and the mc (Emily) met. Also, TRR ended today and I haven't finished the chapter yet. I'm really sad. I've started crying many times today. I'm still not ready!!! ugh no!!! :(

Plot: What if that night in the bar when Maxwell and Emily met went differently? What if Maxwell didn't have the guts to talk to her and invite her to Cordonia? What if Daniel served the table instead of her?

Paring: MaxwellxMC (Emily) and slight HaydenxMC (Kai)

Rating: Teen or Even PG. Like just thoughts of romantic stuff but thats about it

Word Count: 1201


"The first time we met I was taking out the garbage and waiting tables..."

Emily's POV

"Just another glamorous New York Saturday night of hauling trash to a dumpster," Emily muttered to herself. At this point, she was just trying to get by in her life with her low paying job and debt to pay.

"It could be worse," Her co-worker Daniel pipes up next to her. "There could be-" he cuts himself off, his face changing into a look of panic. "Rats! Emily, Help!"

Emily glanced over at him. "Don't tell me you're afraid of this adorable little mouse. They're trying to get by, just like us."

Though she didn't really like taking out the garbage, it was nice to get a breath of fresh air. However all of that ended to quickly.

"Hey! Emily, Daniel, quit slacking off over here," her manager growled at her.

She frowned slightly but shifted into one of anger. "You told us to take out the garbage!"

The worst part about her job was defiantly her cranky boss. Why did he have to be like that all the time?

"and now I'm telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just walked in. Chop Chop!"

Great, another bachelor party. Emily always found them to be quite rowdy. She wasn't the biggest fan of them. She looked at Daniel for one moment before heading inside.

She saw a group of young men close to the front waiting to be seated and assumed that was the bachelor party.

"Waitress, there you are, we need your best table," One of the men said with a small smile on his face.

"Forget the table. Just bring us whiskey and lots of it," said a man in a denim shirt and slightly longer hair.

Emily looked at the group a little nervously. She noticed one of the men though. He had short, spiked up brown hair. He wore a black dress shirt and some baggy jeans. He was kind of cute. Not that anything would ever happen. He could be the one getting married.

As if Daniel sensed her nervousness her gave her a look. "I'll take this one. My date still isn't for a while."

"Thanks, Daniel, I appreciate it," she says since she wasn't in the mood to deal with a bachelor party right now but as she said the words, she felt some part of her break. It didn't really make any sense at all. Was it because of the attractive guy apart from the party? She didn't even know him.

She let out a small sigh as she watched Daniel walk over to the table. What would have happened if she had taken the table? Surely nothing. It was just a table for a bachelor party. But why did she feel so empty inside? It felt like she was missing out on something but she couldn't even explain what or why.

"Table for two please," she heard someone say next to her. She saw her friend Kai and her new boyfriend, Hayden. She smiled at her friend and the fact that she had come to visit her at work.

"Right this way," she says leading her friends to a table. She would get through the night and stop thinking about the whole thing.


Maxwell's POV

The first thing Maxwell saw when he walked in was the beautiful waitress nearby one of the waiters. He had crossed his fingers in hope that she would be serving their table. It would be easy to talk to her that way.

Sadly, they had a waiter, Daniel.

Now, there was nothing wrong with Daniel. He served the table well. The whole night though, he couldn't stop staring at the beautiful waitress. He swore that they had locked eyes at one point in the night but maybe he was imagining the whole thing? The thing was he was going back to Cordonia tomorrow and he still hadn't found someone to sponsor. Bertrand would be pissed if he came home and still had no one to sponsor.

He listened to the waitress to talk to someone at a neighboring table. He had been ease dropping for so long he hadn't heard Liam ask him a question.

"Huh?" Maxwell looks up and over at Liam.

"I asked if you had found a girl to sponsor yet," He replied.

Maxwell hid his emotions with a smile. "Oh yeah, of course. She is great. You're going to love her."

"I sure do hope so," Liam said smiling.

Maxwell let out a sigh as the night was drawing to a close.


Emily's POV

Emily headed into a bathroom and got changed out of her uniform into a casual outfit. She put on a black hoodie and some shorts. She was quite exhausted after her shift. The bachelor party was gone by now. She would never see them again and it was fine. It's not like serving a bachelor party would change her life or anything.

Why couldn't she let this go? Why did she have all these feelings about the whole situation?

She left the bathroom. She noticed someone was sitting at an empty booth but thought that he was already being served. It was pretty empty now as it was late. She saw someone get up to go somewhere. She didn't know where though. She took a deep breath before leaving for the night.


Maxwell's POV

Maxwell told his friends that he would meet them at the club they went to. He had to talk to this girl. He was drawn to her in a way that he couldn't even explain. He had no idea where things would go but if he never talked to her, he'd never get another chance.

He saw a girl exit the bathrooms wearing a hoodie and knew immediately it was her. He stood up from the booth he was sitting at. Her hoodie was up.

He slowly, and a bit nervously, walked up behind her.

What was he even going to say?' Hey, I'm leaving tomorrow to go to a foreign country but I just wanted to say I'm attracted to you?' That would be weird.

He reached out to tap her shoulder but pulled back. What was he even doing? He stopped in his tracks as he watches her walk out the door, like a missed opportunity. What would have happened if she had been their waitress? What if he had talked to her?

Now all he was left with is all the "What if's..."


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've written a MaxwellxMC fanfiction. I think the last time I wrote one was a couple days before he became an li. So I guess a while ago. I hope you guys enjoyed this though! I have ideas for other parts of this fanfic so let me know if you'd be interested in more parts. Anyways, I hope you guys have a good day! Bye! :)

~ Emily

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