Ch. 11-20

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<pre style="line-height: 21.299999237060547px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15.454545021057129px; text-align: start;">Ch. 11

"Logan, I can explain." You began. Logan put up his hands. "You've got to be kidding me. This is where you disappeared to?? He's been worried sick about you." Logan said angrily. "Look, you don't know what this has been like. I did what I had to." You replied becoming angry too. "Every kid that looks like they're four or five he wonders if it's his." Logan practically yelled. "This isn't any of your business!" You yelled. "Brent deserves to know, Amanda. He wants to be in her life!" Logan argued. "Maybe I don't want him in her life! You have no idea what happened and even Brent doesn't know everything. I left for a number of reasons; none of which you actually know, so stay out of it!" You yelled. You tried to get out of the bathroom but Logan blocked the door. "He's coming into town next week. Don't think I won't tell him." Logan threatened. "I don't even how his number so I can't tell him but that is not your place." You said, feeling so angry that you nearly punched Logan. He let go of the doorknob and you two came out, both fuming angry. You and Logan could see James, Kendall and Carlos sitting in the living room. Belle was on James' lap with her face buried into his shoulder. He was hugging and rubbing her back. You looked sadly at her. What had you done? Logan didn't know what had happened and even Belle's dad Brent didn't know everything. You went over to James and Belle and kneeled down. "Belle?" You said gently, rubbing her shoulder. You hoped she hadn't heard much or didn't understand it. Belle slowly turned and looked at you. "Why were you and that man yelling?" She asked with tears in her eyes. You had tried your best to never yell at Belle so to her yelling was very scary and not normal. You tried to figure out what to tell Belle but you couldn't think of anything but the truth. "He and I knew each other a long time ago and we... fought a lot. We didn't get along and we weren't very nice to each other." You sort of told the truth. "She doesn't even know, does she?" Logan asked shaking his head in disbelief. "I did what was best for her. You have no idea how hard the decisions I've made in the last five years were. I did everything to protect her." You glared at Logan and said through gritted teeth. "I need to go check on the food." James said getting up. He carried Belle out of the room with him. You sighed and sat on the couch where they had been. "Logan, please don't tell him. I need to figure out the right way. And the right way is not from you." You said quietly. Logan seemed to soften a little. "He needs to know, Amanda. He was scared to death that you had died or something. He wants to know his kid. Every kid he sees that's her age, he wonders if that's his kid. He's imagined what she looked like for five years now. You have to tell him." Logan repeated. "I will. I just need to figure out the best way, ok? There's a lot that happened..." You said rubbing your forehead. "You have until Friday." Logan said. You rolled your eyes. Why did Logan think he needed to boss you around in this situation? 

Ch. 12

Everyone awkwardly sat at the table for dinner. Belle looked at everyone with a scared face and pretty much stuck to James like glue. "So what do you do for a living?" Kendall asked trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "I have two jobs. I work at a secretary in a school during the day and at night, weekends and on school holidays I work at a call center." You replied. "A call center for what?" Carlos asked. "An insurance company. I really only work there for the discounted insurance I can get." You replied honestly. "Do you like it?" Carlos asked. "Not really." You scoffed. "Then why work there?" Kendall asked. "Brings in more money and I can spend less money on the insurance I need." You shrugged. Neither Logan nor James said anything. Belle ate her food but didn't seem happy. You didn't have much of an appetite but you didn't want to be rude so you ate anyway. When dinner was done, you helped James clean up. Kendall and Carlos were distracting Belle with a guitar and singing. "What is going on?" James asked looking a little frustrated. "A lot. I - I've never lied to you. I just didn't get into details. I'll tell you later." You replied sighing. "I think you need to tell me now." James replied crossing his arms. "I will, just not in front of everyone. Ok?" You replied feeling terrible. This was the last thing you were ever expecting. You and James finished the dishes in silence then went into the living room with the others. Logan looked at his watch and stood up as you came in. "I gotta get going." He said. "Oh, already?" James asked bummed. "Yeah, I'm going to visit my family tomorrow and I need to pack." Logan replied. As Logan walked past you, you muttered "You still suck at lying." Logan glared at you. "I'm just doing the right thing." He replied snarky. "I did do what was right." You hissed before joining Belle on the floor. "Look, Mommy! He knows my songs." Belle said happily. Belle loved music and had lots of favorite songs that she called "her songs". "I think now is a good time." James said quietly. You looked at him nervously but got up and followed him. 

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