How Did I Fall in Love With You? (James Maslow Fanfiction)

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Ch. 1

"Mommy!" Your daughter, Isabelle, pointed at a box of cereal she wanted. "Not today, honey." You replied trying to hide your sadness. You wanted to give your daughter everything she wanted, but you were a poor single mother and couldn't afford much. Grocery shopping was a painstakingly planned out and detailed event. You had to budget and figure out exactly how much you could buy and how long you could make that last before the next possibility of a grocery trip. Isabelle sighed sadly and turned back around in the shopping cart. "I'm sorry, Belle. Maybe next time, ok?" You said stroking her hair. She didn't respond which only made you feel more guilty. You got the rest of what you needed and headed to the check-out. Isabelle eyed the candy at the check-out aisle while you mentally ran through your list and the prices making sure you had everything and had enough money. "That'll be 45.95, ma'am." The cashier said, obviously bored out of his mind. You reached into your wallet and started counting out the money. After counting twice you realized somehow you were $10 short. You began to panic. "Ma'am, if you don't have enough money, I'm going to have to ask you to get out of line and put this back." The cashier said monotonously as he rolled his eyes. "I'm- I'm sorry." You stuttered. How could have you been that off when making the list? "Excuse me miss?" Someone behind you tapped your shoulder. You turned around embarrassed. "There's a $10 bill that about to fall out of your pant pocket." The man said smilingly kindly at you. You quickly felt your back pockets and pulled out the bill. You looked at the man confused, knowing that it couldn't possibly your money. He smiled at you still and nodded towards the impatient cashier. "Sorry." You mumbled as you handed over the money. The cashier just finished ringing you up and then you were on your way. As you put your groceries in the car and buckled up Belle, you saw the man who had pointed out the money in your pocket. He had parked next to you. "Um, sir? Hi?" You asked as you closed your trunk. "Hello again." He smiled as he opened his trunk and put his groceries in. "Look, I really appreciate what you did but I know that wasn't my money." You said. The man just continued putting his groceries in his trunk. "I can't take your money. I have to pay you back." You continued. "No, you don't. It was your money." The man replied. "I know it wasn't. I realized as soon as you mentioned the money that I had spent that money this morning at the gas station. I can't take your money." You said again. "Just consider it an act of kindness then. Pay it forward." The man replied closing his trunk. "I don't feel right about it." You said. The man just shrugged. You started the speak again but didn't know what to say. This man was so stubborn. "Look, I saw you had a kid and I couldn't bare to let her go without something if I could prevent it." The man finally said leaning against his car. You softened a little. "I don't want her to go without anything either but sometimes things don't go how they should." You replied quietly. "But I don't want that to happen. My name's James. If you really want to pay me back $10, I'll give you my phone number and you can call me whenever you have the money. I know $10 may seem like a lot but it's not that much to me, ok? I'm just trying to help." The man said. You bit your lip and sighed. "I do really appreciate it, James. I just feel bad that you spent your money on me." You replied. "I'm Amanda, by the way. And my daughter is Isabelle." You added. "Lovely names for lovely girls." James smiled. He wrote down his phone number and handed it to you. "Do you mind texting me right now so I know your number?" James asked. "Sure. Thanks again." You said. You quickly texted your name to him just to make sure he knew it. "Thanks. See you around." James said. He waved goodbye to Isabelle inside the car. She smiled and happily waved back. You smiled at her happiness. You often felt like you weren't doing a very good job of making sure Belle was a happy little girl. 

Ch. 2

You couldn't get James out of your head. You got home and put the groceries away and put on a movie for Belle. Then you made dinner and got Belle into bed. As you kissed her goodnight, she sat back up. "I liked him." She said smiling. "Who?" You asked wondering who she was talking about. "That man. At the store. He was nice. When so I get to see him again?" Belle replied happily. "Oh, I don't know. Probably not ever again. He was just a nice stranger." You replied tucking Belle back into bed. "But I want to see him again. He was nice." Belle repeated. "We'll see." You said absently. Belle didn't seem very pleased with your answer but snuggled into her bed and closed her eyes. You got up and slowly closed her door and went to the table to do some work. As hard as you tried, you couldn't get James out of your head. It just seemed too weird that he was so nice. You couldn't help but question his motive. Was he really that nice or was he somehow planing to do something to you or Belle? You checked your phone to see if he had texted you. Did you want him to? You shook your head trying to not think anymore about James. Eventually you got the work you needed to done. You turned out the lights and crept into the bedroom, hoping not to wake up Belle. You two shared a room because it was a one bedroom, tiny apartment. Even as you fell asleep, you kept thinking of James. You became angry with yourself. Why couldn't you just forget this guy? You decided that the sooner you paid him back, the sooner you'd be able to forget about him. A week later you got paid and had the money to give back to James. You texted him and asked where he wanted to meet you. You debated about whether or not to bring Belle. She seemed to really like James for some reason but you still weren't sure if you trusted James. Before James texted back you decided to bring Belle because you knew she'd get upset if she found out she didn't get to see James. James texted back that he could meet you the next night. 

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