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Short description: Martina calls Jorge.

Datum: 03|02|2018.

Next part: [you guys can choose!]

'' will be Martina.

' will be Jorge.


''I Don't know Jorge....''

'Love please!'

'They will love you.'

''I'm not sure Jorge..''

''You know why!''

'Cancer or not. I will always love you. My family will understand that!'

''How late?''

'Seven PM. Don't worry I will pick you up and you will be sleeping at mine.'


''But if they hate me. I will leave.''

'Sweetheart. Don't fucking worry. You are awesome! You are mine and always be!'

''I love you, Jorge.''

'I love you too Martina.'

( real life)

'Martina! You look beautiful!'

''Thanks, Jorge.''

'Come I will take your bag.'

'My family are there already.'

''So I am late.''


'Martina. Don't worry.'

'The party started on five PM already.'

''Why didn't you tell me that!''

'Because I know you and I just don't want you tired. They will leave at nine and then we go to sleep, alright?'

''Your sweet Jorge. I love you.''

'Love you too!'

They give each other a long kiss and pulled away with a smile.

'Now get in with that hot ass!'

Jorge slapped Martina's ass and she laughed.

A shirt fifteen minutes they arrived.

'Come on beautiful. Lets the party began.'

After Martina met the whole family from Jorge. She talked a lot with his niece. She was really sweet and liked her. 

The time flew by and everyone left slowly.

Jorge said to his grandparents and Martina walked with her back upstairs, to Jorge's room. She changes into her a shirt from Jorge and slides into the bed.

'Mom? Were is Martina?'

''She already walked upstairs. I could see that she was tired.''

'Thank you, mom!'



''Don't lose her. She is perfect, even she has cancer. She is so sweet and caring! Keep her.''

'I always will mom. I love her so much!'

Jorge walked upstairs to see Martina in his shirt in bed. He smirked and undressed to his underwear. He slides next to her and pulled her to him.  He feels her moving and her eyes open. 

''You were right Jorge.''

'With what Love?'

''That with your family.''

'I know'

Martina laughed and kissed him full on the lips.

'I'm always right Martina.'

'and I say that you will be healthy and live a life with me.'

''I hope you are right.''

'Go to sleep Love.'

Martina smiled and kissed him again. She lays her head on his chest and falls asleep.


Part two?

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