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Leon's name in Violetta's phone: Leon.

Violetta's name in Leon's phone: crushie.

POV: Violetta.

Short description: A crush and a big mistake! Part 2.

How many people: Two.

Datum: 14|03|2018.

Next part: Don't know yet


I walked slowly into the big building called a school. The past three days were easy because I didn't saw Leon everywhere. Today was Friday! The last day and I pray to god I won't see Leon.

It was not easy to avoid Leon. He was everywhere! When I was outside, he was outside. When I was in the library, he was there too! He never came there, but there he was with his friends. I always ran off when I saw him. Lucky he never saw me.

I hope the crush will fall away and I will never need to look back at it. Jorge is a bad guy and I am just a nerd. We never will be together and it is only a crush. A little one.

I walked to my locker and dumped the books I didn't need. Today was a short day. Thank god. Normal school ended twelve PM, but my last hour falls out. So I'm free at 10:30. Normal we have a short break at 10:30 till 11:00 PM.

I was happy about that. The day will end soon and without Leon in it. He will forget it and never look back at me. I hope so.

''Hey Vilu!'' Ludmilla, my best friend, say to me. ''Hey Lud!'' I smile at her and hug her. She laughed at me when I told her about Leon and the texts. ''Sometimes you're so clumsy and stupid.'' That was her reaction.

We walked together to the lesson, math. The only lesson I have with Leon. I hope that he wouldn't come because sometimes he doesn't come and just go home or something.

Ludmilla and I walked around the corner when I see Leon in the hook from my eye.

please don't see me, please god!

"Hey, Leon. Isn't that Violetta Castillo?'' I hear one of his friends say.

"Yes, that's her and her friend Ludmilla Ferro." Some other guys say.

"We have math with them." He said.

"When?" Leon said, but I feel his eyes on me.

"The first hour." One of his friends said.

"You guys know what to do." He said before walking away. 

I didn't know what he means with that, but I decided to Ignore it.

The school bell rang and we walked in the classroom. Sadly there are only three tables over, but there's no place to sit together.

Ludmilla walked fast over the table, next to Federico. One of Leon's friends. 

I scanned the room. There was a chair free next to Max. But we all didn't sit next to him. We all like him, but he smells like poop.

Then I saw something even worse. The only free table is next to Leon!

This was his plan for sure. I know this Will end badly.

"Hello Violetta, hoe you're doing?" Leon says when I sit next to him, but I ignore him.

He wanted to say more, but the teacher began the lesson.

Thank god.

But sadly for me, Leon keeps talking to me.

"You really thought you can ignore me, Violetta?" He said

"Hmh," I said not looking at him. Nerves came into my body when he puts his arm around the back of my chair.

"You can't and you know it" He whispers in my ear and backed away. I looked at him and sigh. ''what do you want?'' he chucked and shakes his head. ''What I want?'' He smirked at me and moved closer to my ear. 



part 3?

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