How Did I Fall in Love With You? (James Maslow Fanfiction)

Start from the beginning

Ch. 3

The next night you and Belle met James at McNally Park. You got there early so Belle could play on the playground for a little while. You sat on the bench to make business calls and watch Belle while she ran around. As you were talking you felt a tap on your shoulder which caused you to jump. You looked up and saw James. You motioned that you'd end the call in a second and got up and walked a few feet away. "Hey." James smiled at you as you walked back over. "Hi." You smiled. "Hi!" Belle shrieked as she ran over to you and James. "Hey! How are you?" James asked kneeling down. "Good." Belle beamed. You still couldn't figure out why she was so interested in James. "Belle, we're going to leave soon so go play for a little longer." You said. Belle nodded and ran back to where she had been. "Here's the money." You said reaching into your pocket and pulling out the money. "Thanks." James replied. Both of you stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to say next. "Do you-" "I just-" You both began to speak. "Ladies first." James smiled. "I was just going to say thank you, again. It was really kind of you and I really appreciate it." You said. "Yeah, it's no problem. I just thought I'd do something nice for someone. Um, I was just wondering if maybe you'd ever like to hang out? We could get something to eat or see a movie. Whatever you want." James said shifting around nervously. "Maybe." You replied vaguely. You worked two jobs and needed to work as much as possible to get as much income as possible. You didn't get much free time and when you did, you tried not to spend any money on whatever you did. "Mommy, I'm hungry." Belle yelled from one of the platforms on the playground above you. You looked up. "We'll go home in a second." You replied. "Maybe we could go out to eat?" James suggested a little loudly so Belle heard it. "Yeah!" She said excitedly. "We have food at home." You replied to Belle. What was James doing? "But Mommy!" Belle whined a little. You gave her one of those mommy-looks. She frowned and pouted. "It's my treat." James offered. "And then I'll really be in debt to you." You replied shaking your head. "Come on, think of it as a gift or something." James said. "James, I can't. I can't keep asking you for money or pretending that this is ok." You replied starting to walk away. James grabbed your shoulder. "Amanda, let me do something nice. Don't you want Belle to be happy?" James said, playing the guilt card. "Wow, you're going to guilt me into this?" You replied raising an eyebrow. "Think of it as a gift to Belle. She deserves a little night out, doesn't she?" James said gently. You sighed and looked at Belle. You wanted to give her much more than you ever could thanks to your situation. "I guess we can go out for a little while." You caved in, a little sad. James smiled at you. "Awesome." He said rubbing your shoulder. Belle came running over. "Guess what?" James asked, kneeling down to Belle's height. "What?" She asked intrigued. "We're going out to dinner!" James exclaimed. Belle's eyes widened and she looked up to you. You nodded and gave her a smile. "Where do you want to eat? You get to choose." James told her. Belle beamed from ear to ear and thought for a second. "Pizza Hut!" She said happily. "Alright, Pizza Hut it is!" James smiled and stood up. Everyone got in their cars and drove to the Pizza Hut down the road. 

Ch. 4

When you got inside, James asked for a table for three. "Mmm!" Belle said as she looked at the other people's food. "A large cheese pizza sound good or do you want something on it?" James asked. "Cheese is fine." You agreed. "Cheese, cheese, cheese." Belle sang happily. You and James giggled at her happiness. "Mommy can I get soda? This is a special occasion, right?" Belle asked. "Um, I guess, but you have to promise no shenanigans at bedtime." You replied. "Okey dokey!" Belle agreed. "So how long have you guys been living here?" James asked as everyone ate. "Uh, about five years now. I came out soon before Belle was born." You replied. "Cool. Where'd you come from?" James asked. "Texas." You replied vaguely. "Oh, really? I have a friend from Texas." James asked. "So where are you from?" You asked James, trying to avoid further questions. "I've lived in Cali pretty much my whole life." James replied. "That's nice." You said. "Where do you work?" Belle asked. "Well I kind of work in a lot of places. I work on a tv show and at a recording studio and stadiums and I'm in a band so I'm all over the place." James replied. "Why?" Belle asked. "Because bands have to preform in lots of places so everyone can see them. And to be in a band you have to make music so that why I work in a recording studio." James answered. "How far has your band made it?" You asked becoming a little interested. "Well we're on a tv show named after on our band on Nickelodeon and we've sold quite a few albums. And we've been on your across America and Europe." James said. "Really? What's your band name?" You asked wondering if you had ever heard of them. "Big Time Rush." He replied taking another bite. "I think my friend's niece is a big fan of yours. Y'all sound familiar so maybe I've heard something or seen y'all somewhere." You said trying to remember. When you all were finished, James paid. You made sure that Belle said thank you to James. As you were walking out of the restaurant, Belle grabbed James' hand. He jerked his hand away for a second but then realized what she was doing and held her hand all the way to the car. Belle insisted that James buckle her in. He had a like trouble for a second but figured it out. "Mommy, can he come over?" Belle asked as James finished clicking her in. You froze. "Maybe some day." You replied slowly. "No, tonight, Mommy." Belle said. You thought about it and finally agreed. "It must be my lucky night. You're agreeing to everything." James joked. "Don't push your luck, mister." You replied, sort of joking. James laughed as he got into his car. He followed you back to your apartment. 

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