Magi x Hellsing Ultimate crossover

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Name: Luna Harker (she didn't have a proper name just experiment #666 until
Hair: long,brown,and wavy.
Eyes: normally brown but glow or flash gold or blood red when starved,angry,afraid,feeding on blood or needing to.
Skin: fair
Love interest: Kassim
Father: Alucard (DNA)
Mother: Mina Harker (revived egg)
Created using: surrogate mother
^(ex.:incubation chamber)
Age in 1999:6 she and sinbad are the same age.(ages at the same speed as a human until she's 19 then she starts aging much much slower than a normal human barely at all in fact even after the 3 year time skip in magi she only looks a little older than 19 maybe 22.)
Race: Dhampir
Blood: she doesn't have to drink as much blood as normal vampires just one cup full three times a day, if she doesn't drink blood for a few weeks she has dizzy/fainting spells,becomes extremely weak,and if prolonged for a few months, will need to sleep because she'll go into a state of suspended animation meaning her body temperature and vital signs like heart rate and organ function drops dramatically to almost zero,all her usual functions are place on emergency statice,in this state she's as vulnerable as a newborn.
Food: she can and needs to eat human food and is immune to garlic.
Likes:reading,listening to music,sketching,drawing,painting,hangingout with friends, animals(and animals love her) but she also has no problem hunting wild game and is a very very skilled huntress (although she prefers to hunt in her wolf or tiger form.),cuddling,having her head rubbed,stroked,or scratched it's a sure fire way to get her purring.
Dislikes:spiders(she has arachnophobia),thieves,lying,liars,prunes,prune juice,peppers,spicy food,slimy food like cooked spinach,cooked onions,and fatty meats (it's a texture thing),inconsiderate people,being woke up at the crack of ugly(meaning anytime before 8:00 a.m.),being woke up rudely(like when people are being loud and noisy especially when they know she would still be sleeping at that hour.) and if your unfortunate enough to wake her up like that at that hour look out cuz you just woke up the devil incarnate (according to others she really scary when this happens,she's not a morning person.). although if you wake her up nicely,gently, and with a quiet voice and maybe cuddles or stroking her head she's as harmless and sweet as a kitten just really groggy.
•trained in combat and weapons of all kinds.(by Millennium)
•can heal from any would by drinking blood, can even regenerate.
•she can go out in the sun she just can't sunbathe cuz she'll get sunburned.
•she can swim in water and cross water unlike normal vampires.
•she is immune to crosses.
•she is immune to holy water.
•not drinking blood for more than a few days or weeks, can't go without blood for more than a few months or she goes into a state of suspended animation but she doesn't die.
•if severely wounded,overpowered,and metaphorically or physically backed into a corner she will go into a blood rage like Seras did while the Valentine brothers attacked the hellsing manor and won't remember it afterwards.
•if deprived of blood and food for a few days and blood is put just out of her reach she will become agitated and aggressive and she will hunt whatever or whoever is put in front of her,running on instinct and something similar to a blood rage her instinct to feed and survive will completely take over until she's drank and ate her fill, once done she will come back to her senses and won't remember what she did.
•she is not immune to to poisons/drugs used by slave traders to incapacitate the fanalise or any poisons/drugs for that matter.
•she is as strong as a fanalise but not stronger.
•a stake to the heart will incapacitate her.
•she heals faster than a human but not nearly as fast as a vampire,she can only heal that fast if she drinks blood.
•she is weak to silver, a silver bullet can potentially kill her depending on where she's hit and she can heal from it if she drinks blood,and silver chains can bind her (she can't break them) but won't hinder her strength.
•she can be killed.
Unusual/Physical traits:
•she has pointed ears (not insanely long but more like the ears of demons on inuyasha).
•fangs only her canines are long and pointed not all of her teeth like other vampires in hellsing ultimate.
•her bite does not have the power to turn anything or anyone into vampires or ghouls(Millennium determined this through one of there experiments to see how vampiric she is.).
•her eyes flash between glowing gold and normal brown when frightened or resisting the urge to drink blood or hunt humans (think of Vivian on the movie Blood&Chocolate).
•her eyes change color and glow a gold or blood red color when angry or feeding on blood.
•she has no shadow.
•transforming into animals (here favorites being the wolf and tiger).
•super strength.
•night vision.
•a sense of smell better than a bloodhound and a tiger combined.
•able to grow wings (bird or bat).
•able to grow sharp claws.
•able to change her voice to animal voices like for example a wolf and howl, growl,snarl, etc.
•gains all the abilities,strengths,instincts,senses,and weaknesses of the animals she transforms into.
•Third Eye: (taken from the hellsing wikia) This clairvoyant-like sense lets her penetrate illusions and see things from afar as well as sense auras by the look of it. This ability also gives her superhuman accuracy, as she was able to snipe a vampire from more than 600 meters away with pinpoint aim.
•super speed (like Alucard from Netflix castlevania where he leaves an after image).

Millennium managed to create a daughter of Alucard and Mina Harker using a revived egg of Mina (cuz science),Alucards DNA (Walter somehow got it.),and a surrogate mother. She was six years old in 1999 (the year hellsing ultimate took place), She was constantly experimented on both to improve her and to determine how vampiric she is example how much blood she needs to drink,how often,and if her bite has the power to turn people and animals into vampires or ghouls,as well as what powers she has. She was trained in combat,weapons,and has many vampiric abilities (see her above). One night (just before the start of hellsing ultimate) she escaped taking her coffin lined with the soil of her birth place and most of the documents pertaining to her and her origins and vampiric nature with her,leaving some documents of the same content about her behind for her father or anyone associated with the hellsing organization to find as proof of her existence. Then not long after she is pulled into the world of magi in the time period of Sinbad no Bouken along with her belongings and documents she keeps locked in a waterproof/fireproof/breakproof safe that she keeps well hidden in a pocket dimension,she stores her coffin in there as well either when traveling or when not in use to hide it from people she didn't know or trust using a small dungeon item earring she was given by Ugo after he noticed her presence come through a portal. After a few months she was captured by slave traders and sold to lady Madar (Madar let Sinbad keep his earrings so why wouldn't she let Luna keep her earring.) who treated her the same as Sinbad,Masrur and Fatima in that lady Madar would punished her like she did sinbad if she disobeyed or didn't address her as mother,use her in fights in the gladiator ring like Masrur, and rented her out to clients as a sex slave like she did to Fatima. Only the difference from her treatment of Masrur is that lady Madar would deprive her of food and blood for a few days,chain her up with silver chains in a movable cage,and put blood just out of her reach to make her agitated and aggressive if she refused to kill her opponent once she figured out that she cant break silver chains and about her needing to drink blood to live and that her instinct to feed and survive would take over if she did this, eventually she she started to kill her opponent when ordered to when she won the fights and would drink her opponents blood till they were dry to kill them but there were still times when her conscience would get to her and she would refuse to kill anyone resulting in lady Madar depriving her of food and blood yet again. She was one of Madar's "children" *cough* slaves *cough* for 10 years even after she was 16 due to the fact that she was one of Madar's best slaves and brought in mountains and mountains of profit and money. She had already become close friends with Masrur at this point. She met Sinbad when he became a slave and they became friends,he once had the misfortune of witnessing one of her fights where her vampire blood would take over and she was instinctively after her opponents blood cuz they were the only source of blood within her reach. She went with Sinbad and Masrur after they were freed from lady Madar and she went on all there travels with them,she didn't have a very strong concept of what family was till she met sinbad and his company since she was raised by Millennium till she was 6 and I wouldn't call how they treated her "raising a child",but with Sinbad,Rurumu,Jafar,Mystoras,and Hinahoho's help that soon changed. Rurumu became the only true mother she ever knew and Hinahoho was like a father figure to her as well as king Rashid,she saw Sinbad,Jafar,Masrur,and Mystoras as her brothers. It was only after she was freed from lady Madar that she started to develop more of a personality since she was now truly free,free to explore and discover and learn about the world she was in and about herself, find out what she likes,what she dislikes,make connections with people.
In the time period of magi she is a traveler but her home is in sindria. She's friends with Muu,Kouen,Sinbad,and Yunan and respects them all equally and has never told the secrets of one to another. She loves the maharajan and loves her friends/family in sindria.She also loves visiting the fanalis corps. in Ream,Kouen and his brothers on salmon island after the three year time skip, as well as Yunan. Two years after the end of the world where Sinbad became god and after Sinbad comes back the hellsing crew (after the 30 year time skip in the hellsing world,she's been there for 30 years by now including the 10 years before she met sinbad after she came to the magi world.) are pulled into the magi world through a portal and they meet Alucards daughter whom they know of thanks to the documents she left behind and they know it's her after she shows them the documents she took with her and they read over them. They then learn all about her life with Yunans help through using the clairvoyance magic they used at the summit and she learns all about there lives the same way with there permission. And she then gradually bonds with each of them and there's daddy Alucard/daughter Luna times to. She also takes them all over the world to show them what this world is now like and to meet all her friends.

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