"What the hell is goin' on? I heard her scream!" He tries to push past me but it takes all my strength to angrily push him away from the door.

"She doesn't remember!" I whisper harshly, so she won't hear the conversation through the door.

"Remember what?"

"Anyone. Anything. None of us, she doesn't even remember the walkers! She doesn't remember anything." I break down, I just stand there pitifully, hands to my side and my head bowed to look at my feet and not the confused-Daryl. I try to keep my crying silent, but muffled sobs escape once or twice before Daryl speaks.

"What do we do?" He asks. "We can't jus' go in there and push her to remember... That's doesn't always work." He says and I shrug.

"Hershel would know."

"We don't have Hershel anymore." Daryl says quietly.

"Okay seriously, who the hell is Hershel?" I turn and see Rylie standing in the doorway, hand to her head and squinting at us.

"What are you doing up? You need to lay down." I say trying to persuade her to go back in the room.

"You're taking too long for water. I was just going to get it myself." She says and starts walking out of the room, then stops.

"Where's the bathroom?" She looks at us both. I sigh and point my finger to the bathroom that's not going to be much use to her. She nods and walks into the bathroom. It's not until I hear the water running that I remember the wells might have walker shit in them.

"Rylie no!" I yell. I run into the bathroom and smack the handful of water out of her hands, splashing it all over her and the bathroom floor.

"What the fuck?!" She stands there for a second and then gives me the deadliest stare I've ever seen her give.

"You can't drink that water!" I answer quickly.

"Okay what the hell is going on?!" She shouts back, and when neither me or Daryl answer, she continues. "Who the hell are you people? What's wrong with you?!" She looks at us again, frantic and mad. She takes a deep and harsh breath before storming out of the bathroom and literally runs down the stairs. Daryl and I run quickly to follow her, my reason being that her head is screwed up and she might have one of those pain attacks again, Daryl's reason probably being because he's just straight up scared for her.

"Are y'all insane too?! You gonna tie me up and feed me to the zombies?!" She screams at Lauren, Michonne, and Dad. Their facial expressions went from relaxed to "what the hell are you talking about?" In a good 3 seconds.

"What?" My dad asks.

Rylie's eyes start to water and she sits down on the couch.

"Water." She mumbles. I grab my canteen and hand it to her as she takes a swig and gulps it down.

"I just.." She lets a ragged breath go. "I just want my mom... And Hallie..." She sniffles.

"What about your dad?" I ask her. Even when she had her memory, she never talked much about him.

Her stare goes cold, like her eyes are frozen open and I see her knuckles turn white with her grip against the couch.

"No." She shakes her head. "No." She whispers again. She wipes a tear and looks up to all of us who are spread out around the living room of Hershel's house.

"Why am I here?" She whimpers. "Who are you?"

I press my lips together. "I've already told you." I shrug. I don't know how else to explain it to her.

"No, you fed me some bullshit about being together and damn zombies running around." She looks frantically between me and Daryl. "You're fucking insane!" She argues. She pinches her eyes closed and brings her hands back up to grasp her head, this time shouting, and grunting in pain. I shake my head and go into the kitchen, searching through the cabinets to find a Tylenol or something just to get her to stop crying out like that. I find a bottle of Tylenol, maybe 10 pills left. I'm just about to leave when I see the fridge... All the pictures of Hershel, Patricia, Maggie, Beth, Sean, and Jimmy... 4 of them are dead and the other 2 are just gone. I take a deep breath and put my focus back onto the medicine cabinet. I get 4 Tylenol from the bottle and bring them to the living room, giving two to Lauren, figuring she's still hurting from earlier today and yesterday. I slowly walk over to Rylie, who has her head in her hands, leaned against her knees on the couch. I squat down to see her beautiful, but now distant eyes. I lightly move my hand to her cheek to lift her head to look at me, and she does just that. For a moment, her eyes flicker, in recognition almost, but then it's gone. She licks her lips and then whispers, "blue.." I'm assuming in a reference to my eyes. I clear my throat and shift my squatting weight.

"Uh.. Yeah. Here," I grab my water, then hand it and the pills to her. I stand up, and turn around, walking back up stairs, and into the room she had passed out in in the first place.. It was Beth's room. I can tell because of the clothes and the bed sheets are light purple... The old Rylie would've liked her room.. I sigh, take off my jacket and my shirt just because it's hot as hell here... Unless that's just me being upset.. Either way, it's hot and I'm taking my shirt off. I lay down on the bed and just lay there, for at least an hour before drifting off to sleep, dreaming about Rylie.




((GAHHH! I think this is the fastest I've written a CHAPER this long! I've got a lot planned so hopefully the next few chapters will be this quick to write and this long! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE. Gah. I love all of you so much!


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