Chapter 32

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Carls POV

I sit there with a blank expression on my face, I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped just slightly. What did she just say? Did she ask who I was? She must be joking... Right? She's just playing around, pressing my buttons to see how far she can push me... Why she would want to do that, I don't know..

"Ry, you know who I am." I chuckle and move my hand to hers, but she flinches and pulls away. My heart begins to race as I think of the possibility that she really doesn't remember me...

"Rylie please..." I look at her and no matter how hard I try, I can't keep the tears from forming in my eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Don't touch me." Is all I get from her, for a moment at least. A hostile silence fills the room that I no longer wish to be in, or at least not with this Rylie..

"Who are you?" She asks harsher this time.

"I'm.." I try to determine whether I should tell her that we are together or just say my name. Maybe if I tell her that we're together, it'll jog her memory. "I'm Carl... Carl Grimes, I uhh, we.. Well we are sort of together." I try to say but it comes out weak, and unsure.

"What are you talking about? I don't even know you.." She pauses and for a moment, it looks like a flash of remembrance come across her, but then in the same moment, it's gone.

"Ry... You do know me... For, 2 months now you've known me.." I plead with her.

"Damn.. 2 months isn't a very long time for two people to be together don't you think, pretty boy?" She laughs in my face with a harsh tone in her voice. What is going on?

"What we've been through, it's actually a very long time.. Feels like years." I say.

"Years my ass. Where the hell am I anyway? What's even going on?" She asks, going back to her defensive side.

"We're at Hershel's farm.. You remember Hershel right?"

"I've never met anyone with that name ever... Weird ass name too." She laughs. "Where is he now?" She rolls her eyes.

"He's dead."

That shuts her up. Everything is silence for a minute.

"Dead..? What do you mean dead? What kind of cult are you in that goes around killing people?" She asks, disgusted.

"I'm not in a cult... It's kind of the zombie apocalypse." Does she not even remember that?

She sits there in silence, just staring at me with her mouth half open for 3 seconds before she starts to get up.

"Okay. Clearly you're insane. I'm going to find a mentally stable person." She starts sitting up from the bed and stands up, but her knees go weak and her hands go straight to her head. She squeezes her eyes shut in pain, and she almost falls over. I rush up to catch her and as soon as I do, she reaches for her head, almost as if she's going to rip out her hair and gives the most gruesome scream I've ever heard escape her lips and I'm going to admit, it scares me. I set her back down on the bed and her hands move to her eyes, her palms pushing in.

"The light-" she mumbles. "too bright."

I glance over to the light on the nightstand beside the bed and go to turn it down to a dimmer light.

"Water.." She asks, word muffled, but still harsh. I nod as I hear rushing footsteps to the room. I stand up, ready to walk and get my water bottle from downstairs for her.

"I'll..." I start to say 'I'll be back in a minute' but then realize the exact thing she was trying to do was get away from me. "I'll get you water." I say instead. I get out of the room just in time to stop Daryl from rushing in there so I can fill him in on things.

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