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I heard a heavy footsteps running down the hallway and soon i heard a loud knock next to my room.

"Jeonghan hyung!" oh its Chan.

"Jeonghan hyung!" he shouted again and soon i heard a click, i guess Jeonghan already went to open it.

"What do you need baby?" he asked sweetly.

"Aish hyung don't call me that" my channie do really look and sounds cute ugh.

"Ahh anyways what do you need?" He asked.

"I'm just gonna ask if you know this number?" number of who?!

"Oh that? wait it looks familiar" then i heard a footstep going inside the room.

"Oh its Seungcheol!!" He shouted.

Oh my number— OH MY GOD NOOOOOO?!!!

"What?!" Chan freaked out.

I quickly jumped to my bed and covered myself with my blanket and pillows. Soon i heard loud knock on my door.

"Seungcheol!!" oh ghad its Jeonghan.

I tried to sleep with Jeonghan still knocking on my door but soon i feel asleep.


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