1) An Important Interview

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(A/N- I'm sorry if this is shit but give it a chance to improve. There will be a lot of time skips, these will be shown by a new paragraph. Any questions, comment below. Enjoy!)

Cassie's POV

I looked around my bedroom, it currently looked like the whole of Topshop was laid out on it. I'm trying to find the perfect interview outfit, not just for any interview though, an interview with the world's most famous and hottest Businessman, Jai Brooks. Trust Christina to develop flu overnight. You see Christina's confident, clever & witty i'm the total opposite, this is why she works part time for the newspaper and I don't, unfortunately no one else could stand in. As i shoved on the outfit that looked best together, i hurried into the lounge where Christina currently was. Handing me a bunch of papers and a camera she said "Good luck, remember to breathe!" I rolled my eyes as she hugged me before i left our shared apartment. 

The interview is going to be taking place in a big building in London, obviously this big building was one of the many places that Jai owned. I looked up at it in amazement, most people dream of buildings like this, it's like something out of a magazine. As I went into the building i noticed everyone working here was an attractive female, I can't tell you how out of place I feel. Everyone was so pretty and polished. One of the attractive females with a particularly bright dress on greeted me, shaking my hand she said "hey, i'm Carmen and you are?" I smiled politely, explaining who I am and what i'm doing here. "Oh, right. Jai will be waiting for you in that room" She spoke, as she pointed in the direction of a door with a 'do not disturb sign'. "Thanks" i smiled as I nervously walked towards the door. Knocking twice, i stood and waited, pushing a lose strand of brown hair behind my ear. "Hi, you must be Cassie" a voice said, i looked up taken aback, wow, I really had understimated his beauty. His brown eyes shined brightly as he reached out his hand. I shook it, his handshake was strong, something my dad always told me was a sign of confidence. "Come in" he said, gesturing towards the huge room. Holding out the door for me, i walked in, as I put my notes on the chair from where he sat I headed to fit the camera Christina wanted me to record on. I snuck a cheaky glance at him, big mistake, he was running his hands through his messy hair, his shirt sneaking up a bit to reveal a bit of his toned stomach. I quickly focused back on what I was doing but accidentally dropped the camera. Damn, i mentally cursed myself and my lack of co-ordination as I felt the blush appear on my cheek. I felt his glance on me as I continued to set up the camera. Once done, I turned it on. Walking back towards Jai he spoke once again "So are we ready to start?" a look of amusement crossed his face as he was referring to my earlier incident with the camera. "Yes" I replied, trying to sound confident even though I'm finding him so intimidating. 

"So Jai, what's your favourite part of what you do?" I asked, I decided to start with a question Christina had wrote down, it was safe and reliable or so I thought. "The power" he answered. "It gives me great satisfaction knowing how much power I have on these people. I can ask for them to do anything and they'll do it." I tried my hardest not to role my eyes at how cocky he sounded and pushed on to see if he could redeem himself. "Is power an important thing to you in all aspects of your life?" Without hesitation he replied "yes. Doesn't power feel good though? I've always known what I wanted and I get it and I think that's down to power." He smirked. Damn he was so arrogant but he looked so hot when he smirked. "Are you gay?" wait, did I really just ask that? great, I should have read that before I said it. "No, Cassie, I am not. Are you?" "no" I said, blushing manically. "Are you seeing someone?" He asked. "I erm, uh, well no." I stuttered, I wasn't expecting that. I glanced at him, he has a wide grin on his face like he's just having a casual conversation. He's so composed, it's unsettling. ""So, erm..." I said as I continued the interview, making sure I asked questions about business only hoping I wouldn't embarass myself any more.

As I put my notes and the camera in my bag, Jai went over to the door, opening it, he gestured for me to go first. I smiled politely, as I headed towards the door where I came from, smoothing out my skirt,  I glanced up at him. "That was a good interview Cassie. If you need any pictures for the interview just call me." He said as he passed me a card with his number and name on. His hand brushed mine, I flinched a little at his touch. "Erm, thanks." I spoke unsurely as I wasn't expecting that. "Have a safe journey" he said politely as he headed back to his office. I rushed out towards my car, letting out that breath I'd been holding in. Why does he make me so nervous? Why did I feel something when our arms touched that wasn't just nerves? I know he's an important person but I normally don't get phased by that. It's just something about him I can't quite figure out. As I got in the car, the interview ran through my head. I mentally facepalmed myself as I recalled me asking him if he was gay, this would make for an interesting story to tell Christina.

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