introduction to the book and me

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why i write:

when i was young i was really into writing, i wanted to be an author. i quit for awhile because i stopped believing in myself. i thought i could never make a living out of this.

to make my parents happy i started reading more about medicine and the medical field. i told them i wanted to be a surgeon but that's not for me.

reading and writing will always be a huge part of my life. it has helped me through many things. and i want my writing to effect someone out there too.

if you knew me you'd know that i am obsessed with poetry; wether it is sitting in the library and reading every book they have or watching poetry slams on youtube till 3am.

poetry and short stories have made me feel the ways that i couldn't find the words to explain. that's why i love it, the poets helped me put the words to my feelings together like a puzzle piece.

i want this book to maybe inspire you in any way. i want to change your thoughts with mine and maybe not even change; light a spark.
i want to relate to you in ways others haven't. i want to say the words that you couldn't seem to get out or put together. i want you to nod your head saying yes when one of my lines agrees with you.
i want to inspire.

introduction to me:
+some inspiring stuff.

hi, i'm nicole. i'm a damaged and scared girl that has gone through many things. i don't have a perfect family or life, but i make do.

i'm a good student, an athlete, i try hard.
at times i'm too hard on myself and that's when things go south.

i'm battling depression. i go to the doctor and blood labs.. a lot. i have anxiety and stress. i'm not allowed in my house alone because my parents worry about me.
but i'm fine.

i might not go though the same things as you or maybe you or me is worse than one another but that will never change my perspective.
i am a strong believer that everyone deserves equality and equity. no one no matter their skin tone, race, sexuality, intelligence, disorders, etc etc etc,, will ever be different from anyone. i believe everyone is the same, yes some people will be struggling more than others and nothing will ever be equal or the same challenge for anyone but the only thing you can do is try.
please never give up on life no matter how hard things will be, everything will be okay.

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