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As soon as I got out of the cage with Newt, I saw the crowd of boys waiting to see me. The chatter was lower, but they were still exchanging whispers while looking at me. The blond boy pushed me towards a dark skinned boy, who looked older than most of the boys there.

"So, Greenie. Welcome to the Glade. The name's Alby," he said, and I stared at him in silence, wide eyed, still unsure of what was going on and if I should trust those boys. "Have you lost your tongue? What's your name?" He asked, and I opened my mouth to answer, before realising I had no answer and closing it back. He must've seen the concern on my face, because he smiled, clapping his hands together. "It's alright. Most of us don't remember before a few days. It'll come back, don't worry."

He moved to my side and placed an arm around my shoulder, then started walking, dragging me along with him. "I'm gonna show you around. Gally, round up the Keepers and empty this Box. We gotta prepare tonight's celebration," Alby shouted behind us, before walking towards a building that was dangerously leaning on one side.

"That's the Homestead. It's sort of our headquarters, if you will. We might let you sleep in there if you want, given the fact that you're the only girl with about thirty boys," Alby explain, and I stopped walking.

"I'm the only girl here?" I asked quietly, and Alby pulled away from me, whistling in amazement.

"She talks! I was starting to think they wiped that ability off your brain too," he said, and I couldn't help but smile. "And to answer your question, no, there are no other girls. But don't let that get to you, I'm sure you'll get those boys to do whatever you want," he said, and I rolled my eyes, looking around.

I watched as the boys took out boxes and bags from the metal cage from which I arrived. They seemed to be mainly of food, but an opened box seemed to hold what looked like tools and other supplies. I stared at the blond boy who had greeted me first, watching him shout orders as he seemed to be in charge of the operations. A boy, who looked passively angry, was standing next to him and was apparently arguing. For a moment, I forgot Alby, next to me, until I heard him mutter something.

"Newt! Get over here. Gally, what are you- Greenie, it was a pleasure to meet you, but duty calls. See you at the bonfire tonight," Alby said, before walking quickly to the arguing boy. He walked past the blond one who was coming towards me, not even stopping to give him his order. Newt smiled at me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, and his smile grew bigger.

"She has a bloody voice! Congrats on your first words, Greenie," he said, and I had a small smile.

"They're not my first words. I spoke to Alby about a second ago," I said quietly, and he crossed his arms on his chest.

"I'm offended. I welcomed you first, Greenie, don't forget it," he joked, and I shook my head.

"Why are you all calling me Greenie? What's that even supposed to mean?" I asked, as he lead me towards what looked like a barn.

"It's our word for newbie. Green Bean. And what's your name, then?" He asked, and I looked away from him, and down on the ground. I tried to dig into my mind, but nothing came.

"I don't know," I mumbled, and Newt shrugged.

"It happens. Don't worry, you'll remember it sooner or later," he reassured me, before pointing at the building. "So, that's the Bloodhouse. Nasty place if you ask me, you don't wanna be a Slicer, I'm telling you. One day there and you'll stop eating bacon for a week," he said, and I smiled, his accent making the whole explanation funnier than it was.

I looked at him sideways. There was something reassuring about his whole being that made me feel like I could trust him, although I was still unsure about what was happening. It all felt like a dream, as if I would wake up at any time.

"Greenie to the Glade, hello?" Newt's voice got me out of my thoughts. "You're awfully quiet - not that you aren't always - are you alright?" he asked, and I cocked my head to the side.

"I am always quiet? You've known me for like ten minutes." I said, and he smirked.

"Ten minutes during which you said about ten words. That makes a word a minute. Not a great score if you ask me, Shank," he replied, and I playfully punched his arm.

We walked around the Glade a bit more, Newt giving me what was apparently called the Tour, then we headed to the Homestead. There, he showed me around the different rooms. Of course, mine had to be up the very unstable looking stairs, and Newt quickly assured me they were very safe. It was between his and Alby's, however, and that reassured me. I had to admit that when I learned that some of them had been there for more than a year, I was a bit nervous about my own safety.

Newt left me to go check on something, and I stayed in my room, looking down at the Glade by the small window that seemed to be about to fall down. Everything was so green, so lushious, it almost felt surreal. From there, I could see very clearly the entire place. Boys were taking out supplies from the Box under Alby's watch, and I noticed Newt joining the older boy. I walked back to the bed, dropping myself on it and closing my eyes.

I tried to focus on my memory, but the harder I tried,  the less I could remember from my old life. I couldn't remember how old I was or who my parents were. And the fact that I didn't remember my own name was very bugging me. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, sighing.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

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