4- Ideas and Scribbles

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Friday 02.02.2018

Hi guys! I finally finished the chapter four in "The sparkle" book, and I may think that this is my favorite chapter till now
-except from the Info chapter;)

I actually finished half of the chapter for some days ago, but as always did I run out of ideas. I sat myself in this today, and had a goal to finish this chapter and I did! Yayy!

But I have been thinking if I should make a 10-chapter book, or if I should have 20+ chapters. What do you guys think? Any idea? Leave a comment.

Some ideas I had to how continue from where I left:

1: End this sadly, make the main character mad at each other and let the main characters argue.

2: End this with a turn, maybe something that was a twist in this story. Maybe a story no one excepted. Maybe a story from the past, that could break the readers heart or make one happy?

3:Let the main character get stoppet when something interesting was about to happen *smirk, evil laugh*

4: Let it end happily, for now, and make a twist later. Just to surprise the reader later;)

(Not any specific ideas, but just a sketch, or a easy plan for how you should continue. Later on you can continue and work with more ideas and turn this to something interesting?!)

I think in the next chapter, that I'm going to write a bit of their story, or one of them. I mean their pasts. I know you won't understand what I mean before I release my book, but when I do, you will.

Thank you for reading:))
-Thank you<3

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