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Thursday 26.01.2018

So the third chapter was long, and I had to end it there cause I ran out of ideas again. I have different options for how the story plot should go, but dont know which I should choose. I want to choose the best, that interests you all, but I don't know how I should continue. I have had this thought that maybe I should post this book, so I could get help while writing. And after a few more chapters finished on that book, could I realise it too you guys. Isn't that a cool idea???

You could all then get a taste of how this book will be. Any thoughts?

But before I could release this "Ideas and scribbles" book, do I need a cover and a title for my two books! I don't have any yet. Its all so hard, cause I want to release this all and get peoples reaction already. I want to see if this goes somewhere or if this is wasted. I really want to know!


I finally realised this book!!! I can't believe I did it!!!

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